
Term 4 Week 4


This fortnight in the Music Room has seen a the rise of some future actors/performers. The student's from years 3 to 6 have been rehearsing and finally performing their shorts scripts of 'Cinder-Really', 'The Stinky Cheese Man', 'Teacher Mix-Up', 'Lost Treasure' and 'The Very Cranky Bear'.

Props made their way to school as did dress up and glittery shoes! The student's embraced their characters and did a wonderful job performing to their classes, which for some took them out of their comfort zones.


Once performances were complete we dabbled in a few drama games. I have attached the drama games for you to try at home! 'Look Up, Look Down' was a crowd favourite!


If there are any girls interested in checking out the Australian Girl's Choir for an audition, please let me know and I will send home a flyer.





Thank you to everyone for attending the Art Show last week, it was a wonderful event. Please see our Instagram highlight of the event if you weren't able to come down on the night.

If you have any photos you'd like us to add to our highlight from the afternoon, please send them through to me via email: shelley.murphy@education.vic.gov.au



Thank You!