
Lisa Male | Student Wellbeing, Inclusion and Engagement Leader

Adverse News Events 

Disturbing news events, both nationally and locally have impacted some of our families recently. Unfortunately, upsetting news can happen at any time. Knowing when and how to talk with children - and when to listen- can help. It is possible that distressing scenes of conflict may be posted in the media or viewed on television. Please check that your children are aware of where they can find support in the event they come across such images. This includes adult members of their family, the leadership team and their classroom teachers at school. 


External support is also available through:


Headspace: 1800 650 890    Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800    

Lifeline: 13 11 14                     Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636


If you would like to read more, please follow this link to Common Sense Media's Explaining the News to Our Kids (https://www.commonsensemedia.org/articles/explaining-the-news-to-our-kids) . There are also links at the bottom of the page to three further related articles.

World Teacher's Day

Skye Primary School is celebrating the wonderful work all our teachers do each and every day for our students today as part of World Teacher's Day on Friday 27th October. Every day we should be thankful for the important, positive role teachers play in improving learning and wellbeing as they shape the future generation. I hope you will join me in expressing your care and gratitude for everything they do. Thank you to all the amazing teachers at Skye Primary School who work diligently to make learning appropriately challenging, engaging, and inspiring, whilst looking after the welfare of each child every single day! You are amazing!