Connect: Year 6

We are knee deep into Term 4 and coming up to the halfway mark.  We’ll be rounding the bend and entering the home straight come Melbourne Cup weekend!  You’ll be pleased to know that all of the students have been honing their skills in all areas and should be confident about moving into Year 7.


It was great to see the way that the students engaged in the Moving into the Teen Years program.

They treated the sessions with great maturity and were incredibly respectful towards the content that was presented and towards each other.  Please ask your children what they learnt and how it might have changed their thinking towards growing up and navigating the sometimes difficult course of puberty.  I’m sure that they are far more confident and less fearful now they have been educated in this area.


Ms. Grant and Mr. Taberner have been devising extremely clever lessons with a clear focus that has helped the students improve their comprehension.  Initially we focussed on increasing fluency by reading and re-reading pieces of writing.  Then we moved to increasing the students’ vocabulary to help them broaden their understanding of what they came across when they are reading.  Now we are having a concerted effort to improve the background knowledge that the students possess.  These three elements will definitely help improve comprehension!



Statistics and Probability is what we are concentrating on in Maths for the next couple of weeks.  We will be experimenting with different outcomes and determining what outcome we should expect by conducting a number of trials.  This is always a fun and hands- on strand of maths that I’m sure the students will enjoy.  They will pose questions, collect data and predict what should occur.  



Running hand in hand with our maths unit, in Inquiry we will be looking at the different types of jobs and businesses that are in our community and the bigger businesses in Australia.  We will look at how they operate and look closely at the needs and wants of consumers.  We will be using this information to work on our entrepreneurial skills by creating a business model that we think will succeed by looking for holes in the market.  Again, this is another fun, hands-on and creative unit that I’m sure the students will enjoy.


In Grade 6 our Respectful Relationships program is committed to addressing the critical issue of promoting gender respect. This topic is designed to equip our students with the knowledge and skills necessary to foster a society free from gender discrimination and violence. We will explore the concepts of healthy relationships and the importance of treating everyone with respect and equity. We encourage you to engage in conversations with your children on these topics at home. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Some Very Important Dates to Remember:

  • Tuesday 31st October - First Aid Training 
  • Monday 11th December- BIG DAY OUT!  Gumbya World Experience!
  • Tuesday 12th December - State Wide Transition 
  • Thursday 14th December- Year 6 Graduation