Connect: Year 5

Important Dates:

  • Tuesday 31st October:                 Hot Chip lunch
  • Wednesday 1st November:         Donut Fundraising Day
  • Friday 24th November:                Sports Dress up day/ Free Dress Day

UNIFORM REMINDER: Just a friendly reminder that all students are required to wear school uniform including jackets and jumpers. We have been very impressed with the change in those coming dressed correctly since it was discussed at Assembly last week.   

What's happening in our classrooms?


During Literacy sessions we have continued to read our class novel The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis. Students have learnt about life in Afghanistan, the rights of women and children and the laws that the Taliban have put in place. They also reflected how life in Australia is very different from life in Afghanistan but also the similarities they have with some of the main characters from the story. Students have been practicing fluency reading with a partner and comprehending various short texts by answering questions. During Writing we began learning about Persuasive texts. Students loved creating their own advertisements for a product of their choice. They had to use persuasive devices such as alliteration, humour and exaggeration. They eagerly shared their products with the grade. This week we began creating and writing arguments for and against a topic and writing them in paragraph form. 


Check out some of the 5's advertising posters. 




This week we completed our unit on fractions. Students learnt how to simplify fractions, create equivalent fractions, add and subtract like fractions and subtract fractions from a whole number. Students were also exposed to various problem solving tasks. In Non-Number Maths, students interpreted timetables, elapsed time and compared and converted between 12 and 24-hour time. We will begin consolidating students understandings of the 4 operations and solving multistep problems including multiple operations. 




5A and B students prepared for a visit with Major Nathan Conroy. We learnt about what a Major is, his role in the community and prepared a series of opened questions to ask him. Students took advantage of the opportunity to ask him various questions on how to be a good leader and tips to prepare for making a speech in preparation for entering Year 6 and applying for 2024 leadership positions within the school. During our unit on Solids, Liquids and Gases, students began learning about the Scientific Method for conducting experiments.




This week we discussed kindness. We spoke about how we can be kind to others, random acts of kindness, paying it forward and bucket filling. 

Celebration of Learning:

Thank you to those that came to our first Skye Art School! Here are some photos of the amazing Year 5 Art work displayed!



Have a lovely week,


Year 5 Team