

This term in Foundation and Year 1, students have been learning from their new Kimochi friends all about how we experience different emotions and what those emotions look like in the classroom, the playground and at home. Cloud, Cat, Clover, Bug, Lovey Dove, Huggtopus and Bella Rose have each imparted important learning about how to navigate those emotions in the school yard, helping students to establish and build positive peer relationships.


Each lesson ends with a craft or a game. The students really enjoyed these lessons and making their reminders through craft.


Carol Harry

Wellbeing Team

Technology, a Gateway for Unsuspecting Families 

Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."


The internet is an incredible tool with opportunities to enhance our lives, circum-navigating much of the work, and pain involved with the same processes offline. Helpful it may be, it's also a portal to potential criminal activity, negative influences, and harm. As a parent, I'm acutely aware of the need to equip our children to be not just proficient but discerning users of technology. In this article, I'm excited to share some invaluable tips for establishing healthy tech habits. You may find that you're already practicing some of these, which is fantastic. Sometimes, the key to transformative change lies in amplifying what's already working.


As we delve into these tips, let's view them through the lens of cyber safety. These strategies not only promote a wholesome digital lifestyle but also serve as small yet potent shields against harmful online behaviours.

  1. Establish Clear Boundaries: Define specific times and places for technology use. This will help you and your children create designated spaces and times for technology, ensuring that it doesn't encroach on family time or other important activities.
  2. Tech-Free Zones: Create tech-free zones in your home, such as the dining room and bedrooms. These areas should be free from smartphones, tablets, and other digital distractions, encouraging face-to-face interactions.
  3. Practice Mindful Technology Use: Use technology mindfully by being present in the moment. When you're with your children, put away your devices and give them your full attention. This will make them feel valued and respected.
  4. Communicate Openly: Maintain open communication with your children about their technology use. Encourage them to share their online experiences, challenges, and concerns. Address any issues with empathy and understanding.
  5. Be Aware of Your Screen Time: Use screen time tracking apps or features to monitor your own device usage. This awareness can help you recognize when you might be spending too much time on screens.
  6. Lead by Example: Show your children how to use technology as a tool for learning, creativity, and productivity. Demonstrate how you can be productive, find valuable information, and stay connected with loved ones through technology.
  7. Teach Critical Thinking: Help your children develop critical thinking skills for evaluating the content they encounter online. Discuss the importance of verifying information and recognizing credible sources.
  8. Engage in Tech-Free Activities Together: Plan and participate in tech-free family activities regularly, such as hiking, picnics, volunteering, or exploring new hobbies. These experiences help your children see the value in unplugging and enjoying the real world.
  9. Adapt and Evolve: Be willing to adapt your technology habits as needed. As your children grow and technology evolves, your approach to digital wellness may need adjustment.

One other point I want to make comes from a novel I listened to a couple of years back called ‘Indistractable’ – by Nir Eyal and Julie Li. This book shares the author's journey to reduce his unhelpful habits of technology use, and in turn increase healthy habits that enrich his life. Nir Eyal also spoke on the psychology companies use for distraction to keep you hooked on their product. Scrolling that next meme, short or pic feeds dopamine to the brain making it an addictive practice. I found it a helpful read and it has caused me to change some of my unhelpful habits.


Being ‘indistractable’ with technology means using it as a tool to enhance your life rather than letting it control you. By setting a positive example and creating a balanced tech environment at home, you can help your children develop a healthy relationship with technology and equip them with the skills needed to navigate the digital world responsibly. Remember, your child needs you to establish the rules and expectations. Involving them in setting this up is helpful, creating ownership and student agency, but you must be the one to decide the bottom line. 


If your child is struggling or you have concerns, please reach out to our Wellbeing Team. 


Additional material: 

Top tips by Susan McLean - https://www.cybersafetysolutions.com.au/top-tips/

Nir and Far Indistractable - https://www.nirandfar.com/indistractable/


As the Good book says:

Romans 12:2 (NIV) "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will."


1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV) "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."


Jordan Wheatcroft

Wellbeing Team

Fathering Project Christmas in May Movie and Pizza Night

Our first Fathering Project event for the year will be a Christmas in May Movie and Pizza Night. All dads (or father figures) and kids are invited to join us to eat pizza and watch the movie 'Journey to Bethlehem'. This will be a fun night in the Performing Arts Centre and we invite you to bring you beanbags or cushions if you would like to be more comfy.


Wednesday 22nd May, 5.30pm - 8.00pm


Please indicate your attendance and order your pizzas on the Qkr! app (Under the School Events Tab) by Sunday 19th May. You may use the following link if you do not have the app.



Fathers and father figures, please scan the QR code to join the Pilgrim School Fathering Project Dad’s portal. This portal is for you to access some resources, information, videos, and podcasts on everything you will need to be the best father or father figure you can be for your kids.

Kind regards,

Andrew Edmondson, Carol Harry, Jordan Wheatcroft and Brett Middleton

Wellbeing Team