Student Learning

Class News from Year 1/2F

In Year 1/2F we celebrated Harmony Day by discussing the meaning behind the theme 'Everyone Belongs' and we reflected on our cultural diversity at Pilgrim School and our wider community. Students enjoyed colouring a collaborative Harmony Day picture to commemorate the day.

In English students are learning how to express an opinion in our persuasive writing topic.

In Visual Arts students used nature art to create different insects, birds and sea life.

Students made a Holy Week story spinner to help them recall the events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion and Resurrection.


Tricia Fuente

Year 1/2F Class Teacher 


Seesaw is an important communication tool used at Pilgrim School. Seesaw allows us to create a digital space for children to record their learning and share this with you. 


Apart from Seesaw posts showing class work, Seesaw is used to post assessed tasks with increasing frequency as the children move through the school to Upper Primary. These tasks  inform you about your child’s progress. 


We would love for all our families to be actively engaged with Seesaw. If you are having any difficulty with the platform, please let your child’s class teacher know. Turning on notifications for the app is also recommended. Feel free to add an encouraging comment to your child’s posts!

Premier's Reading Challenge 

As you are aware the Premier's Reading Challenge has commenced for 2024. We have some very keen readers in our school and some students have already taken a second recording sheet. 


With the holidays coming up, it's a great time to get stuck into recording what you read, so check out our Campus Library, your local Council Library, your own bookshelves, or even a Street Library for books that capture your imagination.


You have plenty of time to record your reading, from now until the middle of Term 3.


Please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher or myself if you have any queries.


Libby Spencer

Premier's Reading Challenge Coordinator

Oliphant Science Awards Diary Reminder 

Please write a note in your diaries for Friday 10 May. This is the deadline for the return of Entry Forms (and Risk Assessments for models) following payment on the Qkr! app (please indicate this at the top of the Entry Form). 


The sooner I get the forms back, the more time I can spend with those students entering the competition and clarifying questions.


Remember to remind your child to get a form if they need a replacement or have decided to enter - I can hand them out personally during Science lessons on Fridays, or they can come to my classroom any day to collect one.


Andrew Harris

Oliphant Science Awards Coordinator