Letter to Family and Friends

Dear Pilgrim Families,


Recently I had the pleasure of working with a small group of Year 5 students. I asked them to consider the question ‘What characteristics would you expect to see in a person who changes the world?’ I was impressed by their responses and together we recorded a number of general qualities or characteristics that we would expect a world-changer to possess. 


I asked this question with purpose as I was about to share a condensed life story of one of my greatest heroes - Gladys Aylward. 


For those of you who do not know her story, it truly is a gripping read. Gladys was a short statured, plain looking English woman who failed school and liked to party. After attending a bible study meeting with some of her friends, Gladys’ life was drastically changed and the desire to go to China as a missionary grew within her. As a young woman Gladys failed out of Missionary College due to her poor academic performance. At thirty, she was told that she was too old, too uneducated, and would never acquire enough of the Chinese language to work as a missionary, or much else for that matter. 


Saving every spare penny of her wages as a housemaid, Gladys eventually had enough money to buy a one way ticket to China, where she stayed for several decades. While in China, Gladys became famous for her bravery, faith, determination, and sheer relentless hard work. Becoming fluent in the language Gladys adopted over 100 unwanted or orphaned children, assisted the government in enforcing the abolition of foot binding in infant girls and facilitated prison reform. There is so much more to this story than can be shared here, but the message is clear. With motivation, perseverance and passion, channelled into one’s unique gifts and talents great things can be accomplished. This is about strength based learning. Just like Gladys we can all use our strengths to further develop in areas of need and not let our shortcomings - perceived or otherwise become a barrier to success.


Another great story of success is that of Australian sailor Jessica Watson who describes her early struggles with dyslexia as something positive, enabling her to think and see things differently. Jessica is an author, and a film about her journey “True Spirit” was released in 2023. 


In His service,


Yiota Chesterfield

Inclusive Education Coordinator