Principal's Message

A message from our Principal

Dear Families


End of term break

A reminder that school closes for the school vacation at 2.30pm on Thursday, March 28. This is following a whole of school assembly at 2.15pm.   Please ensure that you arrange for the earlier collection of your children – as the office will be closing before it ordinarily would as well.  School resumes for the first day of term two on Monday, April 15.  

Pupil Free Day


 As previously advised, students will not be required at school on Friday, April 26 (the day following the ANZAC Day public holiday) as teachers will be involved in some curriculum work as a professional practice day – as permitted under the most recent Victorian Government Schools Agreement.  Please arrange alternative care for your  child on that                                                                                      day.                   



Easter raffle

As per our notice that went out on Tuesday, we are calling for donations of Easter themed items for our upcoming Easter Raffle.  These will then be combined with others to form hampers which will be raffled.  Our notification is a bit late in going out this year – hence we currently have a very limited number of items to use – but we know the WVPS community will get behind this annual fundraising event!  Raffle tickets will come out later in the week.  



As you read this our students in years three and five will have completed two out of three days of their Naplan tests.  Tomorrow is the final day – with this test being numeracy.  A huge thank you to the team who have been organising the testing regime for us – in particular Michael Laird, and, in her absence, Kelsey Matheson.  Naplan tests provide a snapshot of information about student’s current level of achievement on the given day of the test and gives schools and parents good information about the next steps in children’s learning.  Reports will be back in schools for distribution to parents/guardians in late term two or early term three.  A big well done to the students in these year levels as well for their perseverance in getting them complete.  



Community picnic

This afternoon is our community picnic, which will run after school from 3 – 5pm.  Classes have teamed up with their buddy grade to put together a stall for you to enjoy.  Of course, some of these will sell out quickly so it may pay to be here early to enjoy some of the fun.  Parking will be busy – please be mindful of our neighbours when you are looking for somewhere to leave your car.  




Badge presentation ceremony

This afternoon we will held a ceremony to present the badges to students who hold positions of leadership within our school, inclusive of school captains and vice captains. House captains and members of the Junior School Council (JSC).  This was held in the gym at 2pm as we honoured these young people and the role they                                                                     hold within the school.  



Annual Reporting Meeting, and School Council

These will be held in the staffroom tonight.  At our first meeting we will present the annual report for 2023, then we will have the election of office bearers and the first meeting of the new school council.  Parents are welcome as observers at all council meetings.  Contact the office for more information.  


Have  great weekend.



Sue Seneviratne


Wyndham Vale Primary School