Parents and Friends Group

Donations are still required for the Easter Raffle being drawn on the 25th March at assembly. Any contributions would be greatly appreciated including cardboard trays that hold apples and oranges at the shops.
Thursday 23rd of March we will need helpers to make up all the Easter Hampers from 9am until done. If you could spare some time to help we would love to have you there, along with the Monday 25th assembly help to award the raffles. Tickets will be sent home this week and are due back by 8.30am Monday 25th prior to assembly commencing.
Issue 2 went home last week and orders are due back Monday 18th March. Ordering through Scholastic Book Club encourages your little ones to read while supporting the school to order new library books from funds received. Each term there will be 2 chances to order through the catalogue's. Ordering can be done online or by handing the form back into the school with cash. Sometimes there are special online deals like this month.
Our annual Mother's (Special Person) Day Stall is happening Thursday 9th and Friday 10th May the Parents and Friends have brought amazing gifts for the students to purchase ranging from $1 to $6. Please save the date and offer your hand to help on the day to make this successful for the children at the school, without your help these events don't happen. Working With Children Check is a must.
Parents and Friends Group