Principal's Ponderings

From our Principal - Mr Chad Smit

Welcome to Term 2! 

I hope your April holidays were a time of rejuvenation and joy. As we come together again to continue our journey of education and growth, I am reminded of the deep-rooted peace that forms the cornerstone of our community.

In Isaiah 9:6, Jesus Christ is referred to as the 'Prince of Peace.' This profound title captures the essence of His mission and gift to us. As we navigate through the complexities of modern life, the concept of peace — or Shalom — remains ever relevant. Shalom, in its fullest meaning, encompasses not just peace but completeness, wholeness and harmony. It is about creating an environment where all can flourish.


Jesus emphasises this in the Gospel of John 14:27 when He says, 'Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.' Here, Jesus speaks of a peace that transcends all understanding, a peace that is not contingent on the external circumstances that so often dictate our state of mind and well-being.


As a Christian educational community, we are called to embody this peace and extend it to others. This is not just a passive state of being but an active engagement in fostering relationships and environments that reflect the love and grace of Christ. It is about how we interact with one another, how we support each other in times of need and how we celebrate together in times of joy.


We live in a world that often prioritises being right or correct over being peaceful and kind. In such a world, our commitment to living out Shalom becomes not only countercultural but also a vital witness to the transformative power of Christ's love.


This term at DCS, I encourage each of you to seek ways to be peacemakers — in your homes, in our classrooms and in our community. Whether it is through reconciliation, through acts of kindness or simply by being a calming presence, each action you take builds up our collective testimony of peace.


Let us also look outward, finding ways to bless others beyond our school walls. Our own children and young people are watching and learning how we respond and act with kindness. Perhaps it could be through community service, supporting local charities or just by sharing words of encouragement and hope. Each small gesture of peace we extend can ripple through our community and beyond.


As we step into this new term, let's embrace the peace of Christ with open hearts. Let us commit to being a community that not only seeks peace but actively spreads it, living out Shalom in every interaction.


May the peace of Christ guide you and inspire you every day. Welcome back, and let's make this term a testament to the power of peace.

Chad Smit | Principal