Primary School

Thank you to Mr Stephen Berryman, Primary School teacher and Sports Coordinator, for beginning our week with a successful Interhouse Swimming Carnival and coordinating a visit from the West Coast Eagles for our ECC students. Congratulations to our individual medallists on their efforts in the pool and to Mokare House for taking out the shield…again! 

West Coast Eagles Visit 

Our ECC kicked off the week with an exciting visit from the Great Southern School Roadshow to promote the upcoming football season. The clinic delivered 45-minute sessions with students in Pre-Primary to Year Two. We also had a short presentation and special visit from Rick the Rock Eagle. It was a great way to try footy and have some fun! Thank you to Mrs Hayley Ranger (Assistant Head of Primary – ECC) for coordinating this on the day, whilst Years Three to Six students and Mr Berryman were at the pool.  



Interhouse Swimming Carnival 

There was lots of nervous energy on show leading up to the carnival with plenty of Year Threes not knowing what to expect, anxiously waiting to see what all the excitement was about. The day started with all Houses in fine vocal form, expertly displaying their hard work with the war cries kick-starting the day off extremely well. I was very impressed with our participation levels this year. 


I love the way we support each other in and out of the pool, no matter what we are competing in. Yes, it’s a House event and everyone wants their House to win, but the sportsmanship displayed throughout the day was remarkable. This is what I love about our school, such energy and happiness flowing through it. 


Our carnivals are compulsory and by taking part in the Carnival or Championship Pathway, students are earning points for their Houses. It was great to see such a high number of students challenging themselves this year by going into the Championship Pathway. This not only creates great competition, making individuals stronger, but it also produces a higher points total for their Houses. I had a number of students approach me this year saying they were going to enter the Championship Pathway knowing they were not going to win but because they knew they were gaining more points for their House. Huge congratulations to Mokare who won the carnival for the eighth year in a row.  


It was also great to see our Year Eleven helpers, displaying energy and enthusiasm in their jobs and supporting the students throughout. Thank you to all the staff and parents who were able to help on the day. Without your support the carnival would not have run as smoothly as it did and I personally thank each and every one of you for your support.   


Champion Shield 

1st Mokare 2023pts 

2nd Wilson 1816pts 

3rd Camfield 1687pts 

4th Baudin 1461pts 















Individual Champions 

Yr 3 Champion Girl Stephanie Forgus 72pts 

Yr 3 Runner Up Champion Girl Evie Ford 64pts 


Yr 3 Champion Boy Mason Fourie 70pts 

Yr 3 Runner Up Champion Boy Faolan Williams 68pts 


Yr 4 Champion Girl Laily Wrobel 112pts 

Yr 4 Runner Up Champion Girl Ava Rowe 100pts 


Yr 4 Champion Boy Blake Ravenhill 118pts 

Yr 4 Runner Up Champion Boy Fraser Lester 68pts 


Yr 5 Champion Girl Emily Leov 120pts 

Yr 5 Runner Up Champion Girl Edith De Jonge 108pts 


Yr 5 Champion Boy Malachy Williams 118pts 

Yr5 Runner Up Champion Boy Samuel Forgus 112pts 


Yr 6 Champion Girl Annie Newman 116pts 

Yr 6 Runner Up Champion Girl Pippa King 110pts 


Yr 6 Champion Boy Joele Tralli 118pts 

Yr 6 Runner Up Champion Boy Harry Berryman 104pts 



Mr Stephen Berryman | Primary School teacher and Sports Coordinator 

Harmony Day Activities 

Tomorrow we are celebrating Harmony Week with House activities that celebrate the diverse cultures of people living within Australia. Students will rotate through two activities in their multi-age House groups, learning about crafts, sport, cooking and significant events of cultures around the world. Students are encouraged to wear their PE uniform and House shirts tomorrow. I look forward to seeing our Year Six students leading their younger peers through these activities.  

School Values – Commitment  

Our value has been commitment. The ECC students have been working on their commitment to their friends, in the classroom, to the way they speak to others and to their work. 


Value Awards  

Kindergarten - Charlie McDonald  

Pre-Primary - Sebastian Pyle  

Year One - Alex Schaefer  

Year Two - Aurora Leslie 


Star Awards 

Kindergarten - Sophie Doorey 

Pre-Primary - Ally Buxton 

Year One - Emily Hicks 

Year Two - Saakhi Mann 



This week our Years Three and Five students began their NAPLAN testing with Writing on Wednesday and Reading today. A reminder to families to ensure students have their headphones at school and come to school prepared to begin assessments at 9.00am. A copy of the assessment schedule is below. Any missed assessments will be caught up in Weeks Eight and Nine.  



Writing Wednesday 13 March at 9.00am 
Reading Thursday 14 March at 9.00am 
Conventions of Language Friday 15 March at 9.00am 
Numeracy Tuesday 19 March at 9.00am 
Catch up Tests Monday 18 March until Thursday 28 March 

Upcoming Events 

Next week has many exciting things happening including Camfield’s fundraiser day and our Term One Walk to School Day. Families are invited to join us on Friday 22 March at Coraki Park at 7.50am for an 8.00am departure to school. Mrs Ranger will ferry the bags to school on the mini bus and parents can be shuttled back to the park via the bus also. Students are encouraged to walk or ride their bikes to school. Only those Primary School students who walk to school are welcome to wear their PE clothes and enjoy a muffin and Milo on arrival outside the library.  


Week Seven 

NAPLAN testing 

Friday 15 March – Harmony Week House activities 2.00pm to 3.00pm. Students encouraged to wear House shirts.


Week Eight   

NAPLAN continues 


Thursday 21 March – Camfield Socks and Kicks Day. Socks and Kicks is back for another year! Wear your favourite pair of shoes and/or some crazy socks and bring a gold coin donation to support our sponsor child, Kosal, and the Gillamii Centre which assists farmers in the Great Southern. There will be a cake stall in the Primary and Secondary schools as well as the staff v Camfield Year Twelve students soccer match. 


Friday 22 March 

Walk to School Day 

Year Five Excursion 

Year Two Assembly (2:20pm in the Hall, all welcome to attend).  


Week Nine

Monday 25 March and Tuesday 26 March – School Photos. Please wear correct uniform. All students in Year Three and up should be in presentation uniform (covered legs) for class and individual photos. Sibling photos are before school. Please ensure all photo envelopes are returned to the classroom teacher regardless of whether or not you wish to order photos.  Further information is available on the 'Whole School News' page.


Have a lovely weekend, 

Ms Leah Field | Head of Primary