From the Chaplain

On Friday, our Primary School students had a chapel service, run by Year Six leaders Molly, Robbie and Zara.  The theme was about creation and loving the way God has made us. 


Molly read this bible verse:

“You formed the way I think and feel. You put me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way.” Psalm 139:13-14.


The three leaders then shared a poster that they had made and spoke about the way God had made them.

“God has made me with good and bad traits, like a big voice, being kind… I get my height and sports ability from my Dad.”  Robbie










“God has given me talents to accept people and give kindness to others.”  Zara











“God has given me my dad’s green eyes and my mum's blonde hair. I have my Dad’s strong body, my mother’s intelligence and my dad’s wisdom.”  Molly





In the Secondary School chapel we spoke about our emotions:

  • Why God gave them to us
  • How Jesus showed emotions in the bible and
  • Tips to help us with our emotions. 

The following bible verse was read:

‘Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Turn your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ gets rid of worry from being the centre of your life.’ Philippians 4:6-7 (Message version).


Camfield leaders Scarlet and Angus also shared a reflection with us that they wrote:

“Emotions make up the basis of your entire personality and are how people perceive you. It's normal to feel emotions, it’s part of being human. It’s what makes us, us. It is important that we know that it is okay to show emotion respectfully.  And don’t forget to listen to others and what they might be feeling.” Scarlett


“It is important to remember why we feel these negative emotions. Whilst they may feel pointless, they aren’t. Because without these negative emotions how could we appreciate the positive emotions we have? How could we appreciate our positive emotions like joy and excitement if we simply felt them all the time?” Angus


Mrs Naomi Cooper | Chaplain