Faith and Mission

Social Outreach:


Caritas - Project Compassion

Social Outreach started with a bang this year! 

We have begun our first term with our annual Project Compassion (Caritas) Lenten Appeal.


The Project Compassion Lenten Appeal assists many vulnerable people on a global scale. From providing resources to attain fresh water for a community to supporting adults getting an education. 


We also held the annual K-4 Disco in support of Caritas.  With all donations received we made a total of $4805.84.


Thank you for your generosity



Jesuit Social Services - Ignite Food Store - Food Drive

As we always do, we have again committed to supporting the Ignite food store run by the Jesuit Social Services (JSS). 


Among many other things, the Jesuit Social Services run The Ignite Food Store in Emerton. They are able to keep shelves stocked through the generous donations of others from the local community, which they then sell at a discounted price. 


Donations were sent to the Ignite Food Store during the week of Eatser.  A total of 30 tubs of products were collected and donated on behalf of the St Luke’s community.



Catholic Healthcare

Week 6 saw some of our Year 10 and 11 students visiting our elderly citizens at the Catholic HealthCare facility in Norwest.  We had a small group of students visit the facility. It was a proud moment to see the gentle and kind way they interacted with our seniors showing the love of Christ. They engaged in conversation, assisted with arts and crafts and joined in a game of bingo. 






Mini Vinnie’s Groups

Our Vinnies groups K-6 and 7-12, meet every Monday at recess. These groups get together and look at new ways they can help better our school community. 


So far, our groups are already involved in making and donating sandwiches to the St. Vincent De Paul Food Van on a monthly basis, sorting through our lost and found items, they are looking into the responsible disposal of rubbish and organising games for St. Luke’s students during recess. 


It is exciting to see students taking on leadership roles to assist one another and execute these ideas. 

Watch this space for more updates! 



Vinnies Van - St Luke’s Staff

Lastly, St. Luke’s staff began a new outreach volunteering with the Vinnies Van to make and distribute food to those in our society needing a ‘hand up’. Here are some pictures from our first trip! 





In week 9, St Luke’s commemorated the most important week in the Christian calendar, Holy Week.  In this week, students reflected and observed the events leading to Jesus Christ's crucifixion and resurrection. 


School of Foundations had a series of Morning Prayer gatherings on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to visit some of the most important events in the Holy Week. 


On Monday, Early stage 1 reminded us that Jesus is the king of our lives as he entered Jerusalem on a donkey.




On Tuesday, Stage 1 had the School Of Foundations reflect on the importance of service to others through the Washing of the Feet. Furthermore, the importance of Jesus offering himself to us through the breaking of the bread in the Institution of the Eucharist.





On Wednesday, Stage 2 reenacted the Stations of the Cross and showed School Of Foundations how Jesus sacrificed himself for us on the cross.





School of Leadership and School of Entrepreneurs also reflected on Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice on the Cross. Students across the SOL and the SOE together with Miss Laura Murdocca (drama teacher) volunteered their time to reenact the important moments of the Passion of Christ. The same students reenacted the Stations of the Cross for the Faith Community on Good Friday






From the Ms Julie atkins and Faith and Formation Team