Principal's Message

St Luke's... "nurturing faith filled, curious children to become creative contributors and innovative problem solvers for a changing world."

Dear Parent and Carers, 


As the first term of the year draws to a close, I reflect with gratitude and pride on the myriad of events and activities that have unfolded within and across our College. Many thanks to teachers across Kindergarten to Year 12 who have worked tirelessly to support learners and have made countless opportunities, both inside and outside the classroom, available to the students of St Luke’s.


We commenced the term with a spirit of inclusivity with students engaging in Welcome Week activities and getting to know mentors and Buddies from other year groups. We hosted the International Women's Day Breakfast, where we honoured the contributions of women locally and globally, reflecting the values of empathy, compassion, and equality that are integral to our Catholic ethos. This event served as a reminder of the importance of nurturing and empowering our students to become compassionate leaders of tomorrow.


The transition of our Kindergarten and Year 7 students marked the beginning of exciting new chapters in their educational journey, as they continue to grow and flourish. Simultaneously, our Year 12 cohort finds themselves halfway through their final year of schooling, filled with anticipation and determination as they approach the culmination of their academic endeavours.


Community and Spirit Week culminated in a Harmony Day cultural showcase which further underscored our commitment to fostering a diverse and harmonious environment. Through various activities and initiatives, we celebrated the rich tapestry of cultures and backgrounds that make up our school, embracing the beauty of unity in diversity. Yr 12 student leaders are to be commended for their leadership and commitment to ensuring active participation from all members of the community.


As we approached Holy Week, our students engaged in the profound experience of reenacting the Stations of the Cross, deepening their understanding of faith and the sacrifice of Christ. This sacred tradition serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of reflection, forgiveness, and renewal in our spiritual journey.


In the realm of academics and extracurriculars, students have demonstrated talent and dedication through representative sports and Gala Days, participation in incursions and excursions, Yr 10 Mock Interviews, Yr 5 and 6 Leadership Days, Iron and Clay performances, School of Foundations students leading assemblies, and the Kindergarten and Year 6 Buddies program. These experiences not only enrich their learning but also instil values of teamwork, resilience, and sportsmanship. 


As we look ahead to the remainder of the year, I am filled with hope and optimism for what is still to come, including but not limited to the Mothers’ Day Liturgy, Book Week celebrations, Yr 8 and 10 Camps, Yr 12 Graduation, the Bring it On dance showcase, Kindergarten’s Teddy Bears’ Picnic and the Year 4 Excursion to Lizard Log.


Safe drop off and collection of children - Your support is required


Your support is required to ensure the safe arrival and departure of all students in our community. We ask that you please refrain from:

  • Dropping your children off or collecting them from the bus bay on Frontier Avenue. 
  • Dropping your children off in front of the school and stopping your vehicle to watch them enter the College
  • Dropping your children off in the Northbourne carpark rather than using the Kiss and Drop lane 

Your support in these matters is much appreciated as we work together to ensure the safety of all members of our community.


St Luke’s Beanies and Scarves


Please note that St Luke’s scarves ($20) and beanies ($25) will be available to purchase via Oz Fashions in Term 2. These will be very valuable items once the cold winter mornings arrive!



Warm regards, 







Kate Kelly

Acting Principal Leader