
Compassion & Action
The final weeks of term 1 have been busy, with many events being hosted, funds raised for Project Compassion and the acknowledgement of significant days in our social justice calendar.
March for women
On Wednesday, March 6 during Women’s Wellbeing Week, the Justice Group partnered with the PE department to host a March for Women. This is linked to a Caritas story of Leaia from Samoa. Samoa may be a country surrounded by water, but access to clean drinking water is scarce in some areas, with many families facing extreme hardship as a result.
To hear Leaia’s story please go to the Caritas website
The March for Women provided students the opportunity to learn about water scarcity and the hardships this causes women and children across the world with some walking up to 10 kms each day just to find water.
To bring awareness to this issue students donated a gold coin to wear casual clothes on the day and walked for women, carrying buckets of water to show solidarity with those who walk like this daily. In doing so, students ‘walked in their shoes’, just for a short while. The funds raised, $852, will be donated to Project Compassion to improve access to clean drinking water for vulnerable families around the world.
International Women's Day
International Women's Day was celebrated on March 8.
“Women’s economic empowerment is central to a gender equal world. When women are given equal opportunities to earn, learn and lead – entire communities thrive.”
At Academy the Justice Group marked this special occasion by playing music by female artists at the front gate whilst students entered that morning, handing out purple ribbons in support and offering students and staff affirmations and quotes written by influential women. The affirmations provided students and staff a smile for the day and message of empowerment. At lunch time the school Pop Band played all female pop songs in the undercroft which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Harmony Day
Harmony Day is a special day celebrated in Australia to promote inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. It is celebrated on March 21 and was created to bring people from all different cultures, backgrounds, and beliefs together to celebrate our country’s diverse society.
People celebrate Harmony Day by wearing the colour orange, which symbolizes happiness, optimism, and unity. They also participate in cultural events like music, dance and food festivals to learn about different cultures and traditions.
During the week leading up to Harmony Day (March 21) the Justice Group shared the message of Harmony Day and celebrated the Academy’s diversity. This was done through a display in the undercroft that had a flag for each country that student’s were born in and a range of languages spoken by them. The larger the language was displayed, the more it is spoken by our community.
On Harmony Day, members of the Justice Group handed out orange ribbons for students and staff to wear in their hair, and asked students to bring a cultural lunch and picnic with their friends as food is often the catalyst for conversation and celebration of diversity.
During lunch The African Dance Club also performed and taught students some cultural dance routines. This was lively and thoroughly enjoyed by the students. Thank you to the members of the African Dance Club!
Project Compassion Fundraising Efforts
The last few weeks have seen a number of mentor group fundraising events held during recess and lunch to raise funds for Project Compassion.
Some of these events included:
Breakfast hash brown stall
Guess how many easter eggs in the jar game
Carnival games
Chocolate toss
Ice cream sales
Bake sales
Year 12 vs. Teacher DodgeBall Competition & Zooper Dooper Sale
Year 7 Coin Donation – Longest line competition
Sausage sizzle for the last day of term!
Thank you to all of the mentor groups who organised the fundraiser and staff that have supported them. Thank you as well to all those that have supported the fundraisers by purchasing items and getting involved in events. So far, the total funds raised are approximately $3,400 and counting.
The amount the school has raised can support a community by providing a 10,000L water tank installation at a school with a stand-alone water harvesting system so that students can access clean, safe water in Samoa or 6 local health workers attending to the health needs of their community in the Philippines.
Well done to all who have supported Project Compassion this year!