Year 4 News
From Year 4 teachers
By Nathan, Ayhan, Tahlia and Izzy, year 4 Students
We have been learning about data. We did a whole class investigation about the different colour of Smarties from each table group. We started the investigation by counting the Smartie colours and recording it in our books using tally marks.
Next we put the information into bar graphs and wrote some statements about our findings. The next day we compared our data with someone from another table group. We made double bar graphs to show our findings and then we presented our information on these posters.
We have been learning about different continents of the world. We chose a country in either Australia, South America or Africa. To showcase our learning we have been making dioramas about our chosen country.
These are some of the things students learnt:
Hippos can grow to 4.6m long and can weigh twice as much as your car! - Des & Johnson
Tasmanian Devils give birth to as many as ten babies but only four survive - Frankie
Capybara's live in Peru and they are the world's largest rodents. There are 1.3 meters long and weigh up to 66kg! - Khang & Raj
In Peru, people eat guinea pigs - Max.