Biz - E - Kidz Update

From Libby, Assistant Coordinator, BEK, Molesworth Street

Preps Joining Juniors at Biz-E-Kidz Molesworth St 

With the end of term 1 fast approaching, we have been preparing our Prep Biz-E-Kidz to join the Juniors Program. This helps Preps get ready for the Holiday Program (if they are coming) and next term, when they won’t be in their own separate room. We have been very happy with how our Prep children have settled in to Biz-E-Kidz and many of them have been keen to join the big kids for weeks now.See below our Program Plan for this week for an idea of the kinds of things we get up to at Biz-E-Kidz! 




Please get in touch if you have any questions.


Biz - E - Kidz

Errol StreetNorth Melbourne Primary OSHC

210 Errol Street, North Melbourne, 3051

Ph (03)9329 5529 

Mob. 0400 838 448
