Enhancing Learning at St Mary's

St Mary's Play this Wednesday 20th March
Music tutoring at St Mary's. Piano, violin, drums
This term, we welcomed Troy our Drumming tutor and Alicia is continuing with her Piano and Violin tuition. If you wish your child to have music lessons at school, contact the Music School with the details below.
Student Leadership
Our student leaders have been very busy this term as they have been involved in the following leadership opportunities:
- School tours for new enrolments
- Leading Assembly
- Facilitating 'Play is the Way' lunchtime activities with our new wooden outdoor equipment
- Earthcare leader and the MPS Environmental Summit
- Earthcare team leading Victorian Container Deposit scheme at St Mary's raising funds for our sustainability programs (first deposit refund was $15.80)
- DRI (Dolphin Research Institute) leaders attending the Moonraker tour on Port Phillip Bay.
- Catholic Education Week Mass and Concert for schools
- Fire Carriers volunteering at our Womin Djeka school stall.
- Sports organisation leader- setting up for sporting events
- Social Justice team - Mini Vinnies' leaders campaigning for Project Compassion and leading fundraising initiatives in the school.
- Health Promoting Schools team networking with MPS staff to promote healthy living
St Mary's believes in developing skills that assist our students to be the leaders for our world tomorrow.