Middle Years

- Mr Ben Hawthorne


This week the Year 7 and 9s completed their NAPLAN tests. This is a great way to experience exam conditions, except with the use of their computers. The NAPLAN results provide parents with a useful measure of how their child/ren are performing against national standards and for us, as teachers we can access specific information about the strengths and weaknesses of each student to help us develop appropriate interventions or learning strategies. 


We deliberately run NAPLAN tests with the same expectations as our exams, to give each student more experience of working well under these conditions. Hopefully, the Year 7s now have a mental ‘picture’ of what their mid-year exams may ‘look’ and feel like. For the Year 9s, they were veteran NAPLAN participants and were very efficient at not only logging onto the system, but also completing their tests. They have now completed their last ever NAPLAN, and many were noticeably pleased to have finished this part of their schooling! Their next big step will be for many to start their VCE next year.   


Open Day 

Our College Open Day is taking place this Sunday 24th March, and I’m excited to show off the Middle Years Positive Education Centre along with our Middle Years students. I’m very proud of our Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 students, so please feel free to drop into the myPEC on Sunday and experience out school in action.