What's been happening in Italian?

We are finishing off our whole school unit of 'Identity'.  The children in Years 5 and 6 have been busily drawing their Family Tree ' Il Mio Albero Genealogico'.  Many of the children have involved their parents to ensure that they get all their family members on their tree.  They are still working on their rough copies and I am looking forward to seeing their finished work.  


The children in Years 3 and 4 have been drawing and desribing their family members.

They  chose four family members to introduce and describe their hair and eye colour. 

Their drawings were very impressive!


The Preps have learnt a song about 'La Famiglia Dita' (Finger Family).  I am very impressed with their focus and pronunciation. 


Finally we would like to wish all our families and friends a very Happy Easter. 

Buona Pasqua a tutti! 



Gina Michieli (Italian Teacher)