Principal's Report

Report from our Principal: Duncan Arendse

Dear Parents, Friends and Father Arsenio,


The Lenten season has almost concluded and it has been wonderful to see our students participation in the liturgies this week reflecting on the events of Holy Week. The pinnacle of the church calendar occurs this Sunday with Easter. I do hope you all have the chance to celebrate the occasion appropriately.


Prep tours for 2025 have well and truly started. We have conducted four so far with another three to come. If you have a child ready to start school next year please make sure you have completed enrolment forms and submitted them to Kate. If you are aware of a family who would like to have a look at our school please encourage them to attend one of the tours. All details are on our website.


We are making great progress on the Ninja Playground. The SRC have worked this week to ascertain student input into the elements of the playground and we have been assured of a 10-12 week period from ordering to installation.


I am most grateful to the families that have completed the ECSI survey. This RE based survey will help us when we are under review next year. If you can spare the time you will go into the draw to win a voucher from either Cafe 23 or Rubiki. 


I will look forward to seeing you all after the break. I hope you have the opportunity  to get some rest and worthwhile time with loved ones.


Thank you and have a great fortnight

