Over the weekend DSAMP ran their final surfing event for the 2024 season. The organisation took nearly 100 people surfing with just shy of 200 volunteers. These volunteers included some of our wonderful students, their parents, and EMC staff!
Some of you may already be aware of the organisation DSAMP - Disabled Surfing Association, Mornington Peninsula. Chloe Ong and some of her keen outdoor education students have previously headed down to Pt Leo to volunteer in some of their events. For those that aren't aware, this organisation takes individuals with varying abilities surfing, rain, hail or shine! Their mission is to put smiles on dials, and they aim to provide opportunities for people who may have never felt the sand or touched the water, a chance to take part in a wonderful and active hobby - surfing!
I have been a member of the DSAMP committee for roughly 10 years, having a sister with an intellectual disability and a dad who loves to surf, I could not avoid it even if I tried! As a homegroup teacher for M83, I wanted to provide my students with an opportunity to engage with the community and show their Murdoch/EMC values by recommending them to get involved in the amazing event that was run on March 16th! These timid year 8s put themselves in someone else’s shoes, and showed compassion and empathy and wanted to contribute positively to their communityI
It honestly is such a rewarding experience seeing the joy these events bring to these individual’s lives. These events run solely on the support of volunteers and are willing to accept help from anyone.
A big thanks go to these amazing EMC students and staff!
Jack Q M73
Harlea A M83
Grace W M83
Logan S + mum M83
Samp S + mum M83
Billy J + mum M83
Flynn S + mum M83
Kaiden S M83
Annabelle S M83
Scarlett G M83
Mila B M83
Rhys W M83
Madison C K82
Patrick SK93
Dakota C K101
Lilly C K101
Sophie L + mum M114
Miss Ong, Miss Foot-Connolly, Ally J and her awesome son, Ricky T + Miss Otto!
Phoebe H.