Principal Message

Dear Parents, Carers and Students,
Term one has been a vibrant and positive experience for so many students and staff. I am always taken aback at this time of year by the commitment and engagement of our staff and students in the incredible broad range of extracurricular events that are aimed at building a culture of community service and fostering a strong sense of belonging for our students. Over the past three years there has been a dramatic change in student participation and we are incredibly impressed and proud of the positive energy, enthusiasm and pride in which our students are representing the College in a range of learning and extracurricular activities. The events that we run are aimed at creating opportunities for students to explore their passions, build their aspirations and be of service to others.
Through events such as :
- Swimming Carnival
- Sports representative teams
- Student Attributes program at Y7, 8 and 9
- Senior Pathways Success days for TP and VM students
- OED Camps
- College production launch of Mamma Mia, and auditions and now rehearsals this is sure to be an amazing College production
- College Open night
- College Working bees
- VM led Community Market
- College Tours
- Launch of the EMC ‘Combine” basketball academy.
- GRIP leadership conference.
- NAPLAN participation is up to record levels at Yr 7 and Yr 9
- New College Uniform has worked wonderfully
- Year 7 transition program
- Yr 12 Camp to Lord Sommers
- Yr 10 Work Experience
- Mancave and Big Sister workshops for Yr 7 students
- Yr 7 Celebration afternoon
- Yr 7 Academic celebrations
- Year level and sub school assemblies
- The Worlds Greatest Shave
- College debating
As a College we are aware of the role that parents and carers play in ensuring that students have a positive predisposition to school and their attitudes towards all the wonderful engagement opportunities on offer. As a College we offer a very broad range of events and activities to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to connect and find belonging outside of the regular classroom experience.
School Wide Positive Behaviours at EMC:
In week 8 we had the pleasure of hosting the Central Peninsula Principals network at EMC. With 35 Principals in attendance, we had the opportunity to share our work around the School Wide Positive Behaviour Framework and celebrate the positive impact that work has had in our classrooms and the on-student learning.
Principals made comments like:
“All classes I observed students were ready to learn”
“Classroom routines were evident in all the classes I attended”
“In speaking to a Year 8 students, it was clear that she appreciated the orderly routines. She verbalised that she felt the routines has a positive impact on her learning”
“Students indicated that the routines had an impact on their learning. They made them feel safe and one student said the routines showed how students and teachers respect each other”
“The classrooms are calm”.
The SWPBS routines and expectations for behaviour have been consistently implemented across our College and are having a positive impact on the learning and sense of belonging for all of our students. This transformation has been made possible by the continued support of the parents and carers of each and every student that attends our College. I encourage you to regularly discuss the College values, expectations, and routines to ensure that we build on the wonderful start to 2024.
College Open Night
Throughout our Open Night I had so many parents discuss with me the warm welcome that they received across the College, and the depth and breadth of programs and support available at the College.
We had a significant number of parents from out of zone wanting to know how to enrol at EMC and this was matched by many Grade 4 and 5 students and parents who have started considering best options for their child's secondary education.
Our College was beautifully presented and once again showcased our passions and commitment to support every child to succeed in their learning at EMC and access their Pathway to Success.
These events, I believe are even more powerful for our current community of students as they are able to share their pride in our College and belief in our staff. It was wonderful to see so many students engaged and supporting our future enrolments and building a culture of excellence. Most importantly it allows us to celebrate our success with our community and we certainly have a lot to celebrate and be grateful for.
Parent Teacher Conferences
As we prepare for parent teacher conferences, it is important that we take time to stop, listen and be curious about the goals and dreams of our young people. Parent Teacher Conferences are a time to gather feedback on student learning, identifying the successes and what are the challenges that lay ahead. Working with the College and seeking opportunities to celebrate individual success is so important to maintain motivation and commitment to the individual pursuit of success and excellence. I hope that you have an opportunity to meet with teachers and better understand the ways in which we can support your young adult to THRIVE at school.
Whether you are in year 7 or year 12 the school holiday break is a great time to review learning and personal goals for school, considering things like study routines, self-care actions, and how to balance the demands of life in general. Success for every student will look and sound different, but we know that it always requires hard work. When a child can work hard, overcome obstacles and experience their success, it builds confidence, self esteem and resilience. These are all character strengths that help them to succeed well beyond the school gates.
As a community we want to thank you and share our gratitude, for your continued partnership in the learning and personal development of every student at Elisabeth Murdoch College. Our growth and success is deeply connected to this partnership and the more that you are actively involved in your students journey the more successful each student will be. Our College continues to succeed academically this is highlighted by the VCE TP results in 2023 our VCE study Median score rising to an impressive 31.
Wishing everyone a safe Easter break, and I am looking forward to what will be an inspiring term 2.
Kind regards,
Dean King