Resource Centre

As we come to the end of Term 4 students have been borrowing books for some holiday reading across all fiction genres as well as many non-fiction areas of interest including biographies, sport, history, poetry and creative arts. 


Many new books have been processed and put on display with a significant number already being collected and borrowed for the holiday break.


I wish to thank both students and parents for supporting the Resource Centre and getting on board with the new notification system reminding students to return borrowed items. It has made a significant difference to the return of borrowed items with parents/carers receiving the notifications. 


We look forward to continuing to support and help every member of the College Community to gain new knowledge and develop reading and literacy skills in their learning journey.


“It is books that are the key to the wide world; if you can’t do anything else, read all that you can” Jane Hamilton (Novelist)


Dr Sandra Cox-Townend  | Teacher Librarian