Ulverstone Campus News

End of Year Reports

End of Year Reports will be provided to families in Week 9. Parents will be able to find reports available in SIMON through their PAM accounts for both Primary and High School students. A message will be sent to families when reports are live. 

Lego League National Championships South 

The FIRST Lego League National Championships South will be held at our Ulverstone Campus on Saturday 16 December. We have three Leighland teams competing and are expecting 45 teams from across Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania to join us. 


We still need to recruit 12 judges, 9 queuers, and about 10 people to help with a range of other roles. If you are interested in volunteering, a description of some of the volunteer roles can be found at:




If you are available to assist us with this full day event, please register via the FIRST Australian website (https://firstaustralia.systems/). You will need to create a volunteer profile and select the FIRST LEGO League Challenge National Championships South event. You will need to input your WWVP details, dietary requirements and role preferences once signed up. If you know anyone else that would be interested in judging, especially if they know a bit about robotics or the Arts, please pass this information on to them. 


3-2-1 LEGO!


Katrina McNab and Jacob McNab

Orientation Day

We were very excited to host students at Leighland Christian School Ulverstone, for our Orientation Day to help prepare students in Year 6 transition into Year 7 in 2024. 


Throughout the day, students sampled some of the subjects they will have next year.  At each session, teachers presented an outline of what their course would cover for Year 7, as well as a sampler activity aimed at engaging the students in the subject area, promoting the subject, and providing students with the chance to interact and develop friendships. 


We can’t wait to see their eager fresh faces in 2024!

Pre-Kinder Dinner

We recently concluded our pre-kinder program at the Ulverstone Campus with a wonderful Kinder kick-off dinner.  Our 2024 Kinder children were treated to face-painting, activities and yummy food, whilst parents, staff and siblings mingled, played games and shared a meal together.  The night concluded with our Kinders being presented with their Kinder swags, stickers and an ice-cream!  We are excited to have these little ones join us next year.

Primary Triathlon

Selected students from Years 4, 5 and 6 lined up for the Triathlon Challenge at Devonport Bluff on Friday 24 November. Three student teams and four individuals swam, cycled and ran against primary schools from Launceston to Smithton. 


Congratulations to our Triathletes from both Ulverstone and Burnie campuses!

The Julie Burgess

Our middle school Intro to Outdoor Education students had an amazing opportunity to build their appreciation for the great outdoors and respect for the ocean in a recent sail aboard the Julie Burgess.


During this unique experience of adventure, the students developed their sailing, knot tying, and teamwork skills, all from the deck of a working wooden boat whilst sailing out of the Mersey River and into the Bass Strait!


Many students reported that it was powerful to feel the boat move to the forces of the sea, listen to the wind in the rigging and be refreshed by God’s beautiful creation.

Wing Chun Academy

The High School PE Extended classes had the wonderful opportunity to participate in a 3-week training program at Wing Chun Academy in Ulverstone. Under the excellent coaching of Professor Stuart, students have developed their strength, speed and coordination whilst training in a range of martial arts. We thank you Stuart for your guidance.

Sports Assembly

We have some outstanding athletes here at Leighland and recently we held a Sports Assembly to celebrate their 2023 achievements. We would like to extend a huge congratulations to all students who worked hard to achieve their personal best.


The House Champions for 2023 are:

1st - LUTHER on 5544 points

2nd - CAREY on 5165 points

3rd - WESLEY on 5003 points


Special mention to our 2024 House Captains:

LUTHER - Joshua Hills and Myf Parry

CAREY - Joshua Chappell and Liliene Sutton

WESLEY - Roman King, Shania Rowe and Mia van Neutegem

Year 11/12 Dinner

Our Year 11/12 Dinner was an absolute HIT! Everyone looked incredible and what fun we had. Thank you, Parents and Guardians, for trusting us with your most important treasures. It has been our privilege providing innovative, personalised, Christ-centred education to these wonderful young men and women.

Thanks to Jezza Visuals for the amazing photography.


UTAS - Health Fest

Twelve of our Year 10 students attended the Health Fest at Cradle Coast Campus in Burnie. The aim and theme of the Fest was to promote healthy lifestyles and decision-making by raising awareness of current health issues in society, and was a first of this kind. 


Information was presented in a highly engaging way and our students really valued being able to attend. Some highlights were the inflatable torso which served as the entry to the medicine info, the smoothie bike, and the cool sunglasses in the goody bags each student was given at the end of the day.


Careers Coordinator, Dianna de Deuge

Kinder in Ulverstone

Kinder In Ulverstone 2024 - Enquire today!


It is always such a huge decision when choosing the right school for your child to learn and flourish in. We know you want the very best for them and so do we. At Leighland Christian School, every child is known and valued for who they are and the gifts they have.

Kinder at our Ulverstone campus promotes:


Curious learners

Passionate teachers and support staff

A growth mindset

A personalised approach

Opportunities for outdoor, structured and unstructured play

Belonging, Being and Becoming who God intends them to be


If you are undecided where your little one will attend Kinder in 2024, please book a tour of the Ulverstone Campus so we can showcase our facilities and introduce you to the incredible people who will embrace you and your family as part of our thriving community.


Book a tour here:



See the Kinder video here