Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships

Mim Papinniemi

Holiday season is here and our children are about to spend A LOT more time around people — family, extended family, carers, friends, friends of friends, acquaintances and sometimes total strangers. They might be amongst groups of people at family gatherings, Christmas parties, carols nights, New Year's Eve celebrations, camping grounds, parks, play centres, swimming pools or beaches , shopping centres, cinemas, etc.


This year in RR RR, we have been learning about body safety and how to listen to our bodies, including early warning signs if we feel unsafe, uncomfortable or afraid. It’s super important for children to be familiar with body safety, especially at this time of year!


As parents and carers, we can educate ourselves and other adults in our circles about maintaining safe and respectful boundaries with our children. We can give our children these gifts:

  • the gift of confidence, in knowing what they can do if they feel worried, unsafe, unsure, intimidated,
  • the gift of being able to recognise what is safe and unsafe behaviour,
  • the gift of understanding what consent means and what rights they have, especially in relation to their own body,
  • the gift of knowing that we will advocate for them,
  • the gift of being safe and happy!


SAVE THE DATE: On Monday February 19th, 2024 (2pm - 3pm + Question Time), Sexual Health Victoria will be coming to HVS to hold a Parents/Carers' Information session about Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) for children with disabilities. The facilitator (Kardie) has extensive experience in the disability sector and RSE. 


Some of the topics Kardie will address: 

  • Why Relationships and Sexuality Education is so important for our children
  • Body safety and understanding the need for respecting children’s bodily autonomy
  • Consent
  • Public/Private behaviours 
  • Supporting parents & carers to set boundaries with people who interact with their children.

There will also be an opportunity to ask questions and look through books and resources. All are welcome! 


If you would like some Relationships and Sexuality Education reading and resources to explore over the holiday break, please have a look at the SECCA website. SECCA supports people with disability to learn about relationships, sexuality and sexual health. It is a wealth of information and resources to help our children navigate healthy relationships and sexuality:

Body Safety resources can also be found at Educate2Empower:

And finally, have a safe and wonderful break and thank you for all your support with RR RR and RSE this year! 


Mim Papinniemi