School News
Classroom, Art, Sport, Music, French, Literacy, Numeracy and Wellbeing
School News
Classroom, Art, Sport, Music, French, Literacy, Numeracy and Wellbeing
Glitter, glow, colour and some great dance moves were abound at the TPS Disco last Friday night. Reports came through that it was the best disco ever! A very big thank you to Angela Mulhall and her team of helpers for making the event happen.
Last week, Grade 5/6 students enjoyed a fun packed water safety program at Gumbuya World. A fun day was had by all!
Last Monday, Year 2 was impressed with the Mad About Science Show. We learnt all about ‘Kitchen Chemicals’. The yeast balloon experiment had us guessing. How big would the balloon get with all that gas? Would it pop? Luckily it didn’t.
Testing the acid levels of cabbage juice was also popular. The students were amazed when they saw the three different colours - bright pink, blue and purple.
We had to go outside to make the exploding vinegar and baking soda bags. This was the most fun!!! Hugo in 2B nearly got covered.
Finally, we made our own sherbet with a little bit of sweet, sour and fizz. What a treat!
Year 2 will finish learning about kitchen chemicals by presenting their own kitchen chemical experiments in class in Weeks 10 and 11. We look forward to some wonderful and informed presentations.
Grade 1 students had a super fun time at their 'Stay Late' event yesterday evening. Students rotated through a number of activites - sack races, tug of war, team challenges and water fusion.
Our 2024 Foundation students and parents have enjoyed 3 transition sessions at TPS - one more to go! Our grade 6 leaders have been a great help during the sessions directing parents and childrens to their class, answering questions, assisiting with the 'Pop Up Book' stall and setting up and cleaning up the hall.
Congratulation to Telek who won top prize at the UniMelb Maths & Stats Competition!!
Telek's project was awarded the Top Junior Project across Australia & New Zealand.
Thank you to TPS students and parents who supported the RSL Remembrance Day (Poppy) Appeal. A marvellous $307 was raised for this worthy cause.
Respect - Nicky 6A, Daniel 6A, Veom 2C , Nora 4B, Emily 4C
Kindness - Nora 4B, Jamie 2C, Hai-Linh 2B, Hamza 4C
Honesty - Aarav 4B, Freja 4C, Will 2C, Poppy 3B
Responsibility - Valentina 4B, Saskia 2C, Ruvantheka 2C, Karthikeyan 2C, Sammy 2B, Lachlan 4B, Josey 1B, Marnie 3A, Sebastian 3A, Curtis 3A,
Friendship - Chloe 4B, Ayana 6B, Jason 6A
TPS Ciizenship - Hawraa 5A, Max 00B
Charlie 6A