Learning and Teaching

Award Winners

Congratulations to our Achieve Award Winners and St Mary’s Got Talent Stars





The foundation learners have been busy finalising their Inquiry fairy tale designs. The Foundation learners planned, refined and created their own interpretation of a fairy tale building. 


On Thursday 23rd November the Foundation learners had their fairy tale ball. Parents and learners gathered together to share all the learning for the term and to explain their design process. 


Our learners have also had their first experience at swimming this week. They’ve done a wonderful job and are enjoying it thoroughly. 



Year 3


On Friday the 10th of November, the Year 3 Community went on an exciting excursion down to the Port of Echuca. 


When we got there we sat on the bricks in front of the ‘Canberra’ paddle steamer and listened to Mr McKenzie. He was a former Shire Engineer and talked about how the new bridge was made. 


After that we got on the paddle steamer and drove down to see the bridges. First was the ‘Old Iron Bridge’ and then the ‘New Dhungala Bridge’. We learnt lots of information from the driver such as the Old Bridge was built in 1878 and is called a ‘flyover’ type bridge. The new bridge is called a ‘Cantilever’ type bridge. 


Finally, we got off the paddle steamer where we said goodbye to the crew and went to the park while we waited for the buses. 


Overall, it was a very fun excursion where we learnt lots of information about the different bridges. 


Written by Evie Gillie and Luca McCallum