Catholic Identity

The Season of Advent Begins


This coming Sunday is the first day of Advent. Each community was presented with an Advent wreath, with four candles, three purple, one pink and a lilac prayer cloth. They were proudly blessed as part of prayer during our staff meeting. The circle of the wreath, which has no beginning or end, symbolizes the eternity of God and each candle represents the four pillars of Advent. The first being a purple candle of hope. It is sometimes called the “Prophecy Candle” in remembrance of the prophets, especially Isaiah, who foretold the birth of Christ. It represents the expectation felt in anticipation of the coming Messiah. The second candle, also purple, represents faith. The third candle is pink used for ‘guadete Sunday symbolising joy. It is called the “Bethlehem Candle” as a reminder of Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem. It is also sometimes called the “Shepard's Candle,” and is pink because rose is a liturgical color for joy. The colour of purple is also significant as it is our Churches colour for preparation, sometimes used for funerals, All Souls Day and definitely during Lent. However the seasons and colours differ greatly from Lent. Advent is a celebratory, light lilac and magenta. Whereas Lent is more sombre and a symbolic deeper, darker purple.


So Advent truly means ‘coming’ or ‘arrival’. It’s a time of preparation, prayer and service. As a faith community we look forward to Christmas and spend four weeks preparing to celebrate the birth of Jesus. We prepare not only for Christmas but our hearts too.


It’s that time of year when we are reminded of the beauty of giving and receiving and practising gratitude for what we have. As the year draws to a close it can bring extra work pressure, anxiety about family Christmas gatherings and perhaps nagging thoughts about the new year, on top of holiday planning, the need to shop in crowded shops and decision fatigue. In our busy lives it’s easy to forget to show attention to those around us. We can use this liturgical season of Advent to provide ‘presence’ not presents - give your full attention to those you care about.


If we purposefully prepare our hearts with prayer, service and good works. If we listen & pay attention we will find that we can walk in the light of God’s love.


Holly Morris 

Catholic Identity Leader




Emmanuel, God is with us,

Help us to stay awake to God’s presence in and around us each day. 

As we wait, help us try to live in our world as Jesus taught us.

Let your blessings come upon us as we wait for your light. 

Send your peace to our school community and may your love fill our hearts.

Help us to look for ways to be of Hope, Peace and Joy for others. 


We ask this through Christ, who enlightens us and encourages us always,





St. Mary’s Toy Drive


This year at St. Mary’s Primary we are holding a Toy Drive. You may have seen this recent flyer featured below posted on Compass. If you are able to contribute to the drive. Suitable presents, of toys and toiletries for ages 1 - 16 would be greatly appreciated and accepted through to Friday December the 15th. Also if you know of any families who would benefit from this initiative

End of Year Christmas Liturgy


As the warmer weather approaches we have made this Whole School gathering and celebration in the morning. The Foundation, Year One & Year Two Learners will lead us in song & prayer. Details featured in the invitation below.