Mrs Ryan's Fortnightly Reflections

Are we there yet?

There is such excitement and apprehension in the air for both staff and learners at this point in the year. With only eleven days of school to go we are beginning to see the cognitive and emotional fatigue, along with the pending excitement of end of year events, news and celebrations. It is incredible what we can fit into eleven days and the enormity of the many people that allow St Mary's to function so successfully and so smoothly. 


Tomorrow we welcome the season of Advent, one of the most exciting and gratifying times of the church's calendar. The season of advent is where we as a catholic community prepare and await in our hearts and our minds for the anniversary of Jesus’ birth. During advent we strive for opportunities to give to others the true meaning of Christmas. At school our children are too learning about the meaning of advent and that giving at Christmas is not solely about material gifts. We are encouraging acts of kindness, giving to others less fortunate, and doing acts of service rather than the material gift. A huge thank you to the many families who have already sent in toys for our toy drive. Some of the funds raised at our fete will also be used to support the Toy drive to help families in our very own community and town. 


Next week on Monday evening, we officially welcome our Foundation 2024 families and learners to our school community. St Mary’s will host an information evening where we meet our Foundation 2024 teachers, learn about our first year of school and the many operations that make St Mary’s a wonderful place to learn and grow! Next year we also have many non Foundation level starting families who are also welcome to attend. The evening does put a special lens over our Foundation school starters, however the information in general is helpful to all! I look forward to seeing many there in the Brigidine Center at 7:00pm.


Each week we have a ‘Ramp It Up’ focus which as a whole school we try to learn and improve certain school wide behaviours. Over this fortnight, we are focussing on our use of toilets as a shared space in our school. Lately, our toilets have been left very unclean, and in some instances vandalised. Our cleaners have shared their concerns along with the staff. I am hoping that families can also support this 'Ramp It Up' by discussing respectful and appropriate use of toilets in any shared or public space. These chats are such a great support to everyone. We will continue to monitor and educate over the remaining days of the year. 


Our Year Six families and learners are eagerly preparing for Graduation and completing tasks that are sadly bringing their primary school years to a close. Again, there is a great mix of emotions among our children. The Year Six team are working closely with the children on composing final stories of primary school years, a skit dance with their peers and their final graduation liturgy. Every time I am in their learning space there is huge excitement and engagement, mixed in with the reality that these are their final days. I must commend the Year 6’s on their behaivour, maturity and spirit in their final weeks of primary school, they are incredible! 


The remains of our learner community are also showing signs of excitement mixed with anticipation! Step Up Day is not far away where we will met our 2024 teacher and our peers who we will learn alongside in the new school year. Our classing process is extremely vigilant in considering many factors, including learner voice. All learners have had the option to select three peers they believe they will learn well alongside. Our staff are highly informed of our learners and who they are and who they work best with and have used a complex system to place all children. We know our parents place such trust in our expert staff in completing this important task. 


This will be my second last newsletter for the year and I look forward to writing my final one in a fortnight celebrating what an amazing year it has been! I hope to see many of our families, friends and grandparents at our many end of year events over the coming fortnight! 


Take Care & God Bless, 


Jasmine Ryan
