Year 6 Celebration Newsletter

The Grade 6 students began by working on units relating to Measurement, focusing on Volume and Capacity. We determined appropriate units of measurement to use and solve problems identifying the volume and capacity of 3D objects and prisms. We focussed on elapsed time and completed a project based around visiting Luna Park. In Number we reviewed multiplicative strategies and we completed a Statistics and Probability unit relating to chance, where students conducted experiments and analysed data. Students continued to build on their automatic recall of multiplication facts through daily fluency sessions. Testing took place to inform teachers for reports.
During Term Two students in Year 6 will be undertook a novel study based on the text ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell. Students unpacked the author considerations for the text and techniques used to engage the reader. There were also opportunities for students to identify themes, summarise the text and discover interesting and new vocabulary. Together with the teacher, they set individual reading goals and had the opportunity and support to practise applying specific strategies in their independent and small group reading tasks. Students were also tested on their reading comprehension and fluency during individual conferences and online testing.
Throughout Term Two students looked at two writing genres, both based around writing to entertain. Firstly, students’ scripts for a podcast on a topic of their choice, considering current issues in society. Students needed to research their topic, use evidence to support their viewpoint, follow the correct structure and clearly explain their topic with the use of technical vocabulary. Students also refined their work to ensure there is an advertisement, jingle, interview and recorded clearly for the audience. Students also had opportunity to write a poem for Graduation.
Year 6 students undertook a unit exploring Light and Shadows. Students discovered the impact of these and experimented with the how light and shadows behave. Students also learned about Health and the changes in their body as they reach adolescence. Discussions on physical, emotional and social changes were addressed as well as values and responsibilities.
We continued to enhance our wellbeing this term with the continual implementation of the Resilience Project. Students explored the importance of gratitude, empathy and mindfulness through a series of carefully planned and targeted learning experiences. Students also undertook sessions following the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships. These sessions touched on emotions, human rights and ways to encourage respect between their own and different genders.
Performing Arts
This term, Grade 6 students explored a variety of musical genres before deciding on their Graduation dance songs. Each class voted on their preferred song and then worked as a team to choreograph and rehearse a dance to be performed at the end-of-year Graduation celebration next week. Performing Arts finished the year with a bang when showcasing the musical talents of students’ from across the school at our end of year Kismet Christmas Carols picnic.
Students have played a variety of major games. All games involved a ball and sometimes a bat and ball. Students learnt the value of team play and used strategies to improve their performance. They learnt to accept the decision of an umpire and show qualities of good sportsmanship. Students were able to adapt to a variety of games including basketball, soccer, rugby, cricket and tennis.
This term in Japanese the Year 6 students developed their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills through the topic “Weather”. They learned how to read and write 6 weather types in Japanese. The students also learned how to write 8 Japanese cities in Kanji (Japanese alphabet). They learnt to read and write sentences describing the weather of different Japanese cities. Students revised numbers, colours and greetings and continued with learning to identify hiragana (Japanese alphabet), using these characters to read and write words in Japanese.
The Year 6 students also learned about the cultural event, Health and Sports Day held in Japan and participated in a scavenger hunt to celebrate this event. They worked with partners to locate Japanese colours around the schoolyard.