Year 5 Celebration Newsletter

The students explored location through grid referencing, became familiar with a compass, and followed and gave directions using directional language. Students built upon their knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes through transformation (flip, slide and turn). The grade fives explored measurement through mass and capacity and converted between millilitres and litres. Students further developed their understanding of statistics and probability by creating and playing games of chance, and developed graphs and analysed data. Our major unit for Term 4 involved building an understanding of the relationship between decimals, fractions and percentages. Students applied their automatic recall of multiplication facts and extended upon what they learned about fractions during Term 3. The students revised and consolidated their understanding of whole number and decimal place value in preparation for Grade 6 in 2024.
Each grade embarked on an author study, focussed on Morris Gleitzman (5A), Jackie French (5B) or Mark Wilson (5C). We explored several texts together as a grade, taking time to focus on specific vocab and language features, themes and big ideas within the texts and outlined commonalities between texts by the same author. Students were encouraged to read additional texts within the classroom as well as research the author’s life, inspiration and major accomplishments. Throughout the term students continued to set and monitor their own reading goals, and were supported to apply a range of known reading strategies in order to retain information and gain meaning from their texts during independent reading.
In preparation for applying for Grade 6 Leadership roles the students explored their own skills, values and qualities and which roles are best suited to them. They planned a persuasive speech following set criteria and incorporated a range of persuasive devices. Students revised, edited and sought peer feedback in order to enhance their written speeches before rehearsing them and presenting to their grade. In the later part of the term we delved into a unit on poetry. Students read and wrote various types of poems, including structured rhyming poems, limericks, haiku and free verse poems that convey a message or emotion.
As part of the Inquiry program, students were immersed in a Science unit entitled ‘Illuminating Discoveries: Unveiling the Secrets of Light and Shadows’. Throughout this unit students established what they already knew about light and shadow then investigated where light comes from and how it travels. They read, viewed and demonstrated their understanding of new learnings through models, displays, slideshows and diagrams. A range of resources and hands-on activities engaged and inspired our budding scientists! The second Inquiry unit focused on the Australian Government. Students explored the Australian Democratic System and values, learned about the three levels of government and how the Electoral Process operates in this country.
We enhanced our wellbeing this term with the continuation of the Resilience Project, as well as through Respectful Relationships lessons. Students built upon their understanding of gratitude, empathy and mindfulness through a series of carefully planned and targeted learning experiences, and explored effective ways to communicate and interact with each other. The grade 5/6s enjoyed a free incursion by a local resident who spoke about Disabilities Inclusion, and promoted understanding and positive attitudes towards people living with physical or mental impairments. The Grade 5s embarked on a short unit preparing them for puberty which was timely, informative and at times hilariously awkward!
Performing Arts
This term, Grade 5 students furthered their previously developed musical skills by playing the 'Boomwhacker' instruments. They started by following along with simple songs as a whole group and then progressed to reading sheet music for more complex songs in smaller groups. Finally, they used their skills to compose their own tunes, challenging their peers to play the compositions they created. Performing Arts finished the year with a bang when showcasing the musical talents of students’ from across the school at our end of year Kismet Christmas Carols picnic.
Students have played a variety of major games. All games involved a ball and sometimes a bat and ball. Students learnt the value of team play and used strategies to improve their performance. They learnt to accept the decision of an umpire and show qualities of good sportsmanship. Students were able to adapt to a variety of games including basketball, soccer, rugby, cricket and tennis.
This term in Japanese the Year 5 students developed their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills through the topic “Weather”. They learned how to read and write 6 weather types in Japanese. The students also learned how to write 8 Japanese cities in Kanji (Japanese alphabet). They learnt to read and write sentences describing the weather of different Japanese cities. Students revised numbers, colours and greetings and continued with learning to identify hiragana (Japanese alphabet), using these characters to read and write words in Japanese.
The Year 5 students also learned about the cultural event, Health and Sports Day held in Japan and participated in a scavenger hunt to celebrate this event. They worked with partners to locate Japanese colours around the schoolyard.