Semester 1 IEP

Semester 1 IEPs

In term 1 we focus our teaching and learning to getting to know our students. We refer to the 2025 Assessment and Reporting timeline to undertake assessments and begin the goal writing process. In PLCs this week we 'front loaded' all the information you need to complete these tasks. We begin by building relationships with each student; in order to know our students and achieve the best from them we need to take the time to build relationships. We hold high expectations of all our students and the belief that all students can and will learn. We look back at historical data, using XUNO - Student Maps and previous IEP/Reports to know where our students were last working at and achieving. We refer to the Assessment Schedule and commence assessments. Once we have this triangulation of data we can ascertain using our professional teacher judgement where our students are currently working and using the JSA Whole School Curriculum plot where we want to stretch their learning. We do this in collaboration with parents/carers through upcoming SSGs and start to design each student's IEP.

Please feel free to speak to myself, Dan or your SSL should you have any questions about this process or setting goals.

Links to key documents below.


Ellen Paterson

Acting Assistant Principal - Teaching Learning


 PLC IEP PowerPoint Presentation 3rd Feb. 2025

2025 Assessment Schedule 

2025 JSA Whole School Curriculum Plan


Assessment & Reporting Timeline

Term 1Term 2Term 3Term 4

Assessment: IEP Goal Setting



Semester 1 IEPs


Semester 1 Progress


Semester 1 Reports

Assessment: IEP Goal Review



Semester 2 IEPs


Semester 2 Progress


Semester 2 Reports