
Upcoming events

** At time of publication dates were correct.  These may be subject to change.

11/02/2025P&C Meeting from7:30pm 
13/02/20252025 Twilight Swimming Carnival 
14/02/2025Pupil Free Day due to Twilight Swimming Carnival  
17/02/2025ANU Solar Racing Showcase Wagga  
18/02/2025White Card Training 
18/02/2025Yr 7 Welcome BBQ 
19/02/2025School Photos   
19/02/2025University of Wollongong Discovery Day 
20/02/2025HSC Chemistry Day at CSU 
20/02/2025University of Wollongong Discovery Day  
21/02/2025Open Boys Cricket KO @ Narrandera  
21/02/2025Tafe YES Program   
25/02/2025Year 10, 11 and 12 Parent Teacher Evening 2025   
26/02/2025Year 9 Year Day   
27/02/2025ZONE SWIMMING @ Leeton   
28/02/2025Tafe YES Program   
5/03/2025Open Boys Basketball KO @ Griffith   
7/03/2025Tafe YES Program   
11/03/2025P&C Meeting from 7:30pm   
11/03/2025REGIONAL SWIMMING @ Leeton   
12/03/2025Life Ready (Mandatory Yr 12 Course)   
12/03/2025RYDA ( Year 11 Road Safety Day)   
12/03/2025NAPLAN - no other activities for Years 7 and 9   
13/03/2025Life Ready (Mandatory Yr 12 Course)   
13/03/2025NAPLAN - no other activities for Years 7 and 9   
14/03/2025Tafe YES Program   
14/03/2025NAPLAN - no other activities for Years 7 and 9   
17/03/2025NAPLAN - no other activities for Years 7 and 9   
18/03/2025NAPLAN - no other activities for Years 7 and 9   
19/03/2025NAPLAN - no other activities for Years 7 and 9   
20/03/2025NAPLAN - no other activities for Years 7 and 9   
21/03/2025Tafe YES Program   
21/03/2025NAPLAN - no other activities for Years 7 and 9   
28/03/2025Tafe YES Program   
3/04/2025Term 1 Formal Assembly   
4/04/2025Tafe YES Program   
7/04/2025Year 10 Work Experience Week   
7/04/2025STATE SWIMMING (Monday - Wednesday)   
8/04/2025P&C Meeting from 7:30pm   
8/04/2025Year 10 Work Experience Week   
8/04/2025Year 11 Exam period   
8/04/2025STATE SWIMMING (Monday - Wednesday)   
9/04/2025Year 11 Exam period   
9/04/2025Year 10 Work Experience Week   
9/04/2025STATE SWIMMING (Monday - Wednesday)   
10/04/2025Year 10 Work Experience Week   
10/04/2025Year 11 Exam period   
11/04/2025Year 10 Work Experience Week   
11/04/2025Year 11 Exam period   
30/04/2025SCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY - P5 & 6