Principal's Report

Dear Parents and Friends of DPS,
I wanted to say a huge thank you to students, parents and staff for welcoming me so kindly to your thriving school community. I have enjoyed spending time getting to know staff, students and the parent community. I will always be out at the gates each morning and afternoon so please feel free to drop by and say hello. I will provide a more in-depth report in the Doncaster Download (newsletter) next week but wanted to introduce myself and again, say thank you for the very warm welcome.
It has been wonderful seeing how engaged the parent community are in making Doncaster Primary School the outstanding school that it is. If you would like to be more involved in a formal capacity, we will be inviting nominations for School Council. School Council oversees Policy, Procedure and Protocols as well as the financial management of the school. Information regarding nominations for School Council can be found displayed at reception from today.
Thank you again, and I look forward to a positive Term 1.
Jarod Ryan
Acting Principal