From the Deputy Principal
Mr James Millane
From the Deputy Principal
Mr James Millane
Well, what a busy fortnight it's been since our first edition. Beginning of Year Mass, Prep Assessments, Buddy activities, Swimming trials, Kaboom Sports, Meet-the-Teacher Interviews, Extra curricular clubs - I can barely keep up!
Kaboom Sports
Last Friday, we had so much fun. We moved KABOOM to the beginning of the year, hoping for better weather and the morning was perfect. Lots of fun was had in multi age groups and students and staff joined in all the activities. This is a great partnership between the P&F and school, to give our students this wonderful activity.
Safer Internet Day
Last week, our students took part in Safer Internet Day (Tuesday 11 February), exploring the importance of being safe, responsible, and respectful online. Through engaging activities and discussions, they learned how to protect personal information, recognize online risks, and make positive choices in the digital world. In Digitech with Ms. Beciric, the Years 5/6s have been working on creating an Online Safety Book for their buddies.
Check out the gallery below to see some of the wonderful work completed at St Mary's!
Live incursions (for our students!)
In 2025 all children will be participating in the Cyber Safety & Digital Wellbeing program. also hosted by Informed & Empower. This means that your child/children will be tuning in to live streamed incursions (with their teachers) every term that focus on healthy and safe digital habits.
The incursion content is all written and delivered by qualified teachers who are endorsed by the eSafety Commissioner as a Trusted eSafety Provider. These sessions aim to help children better navigate the online world and become more aware, clever, brave and kind. They will focus on topics including navigating unwanted contact, cyberbullying, help-seeking strategies, unsafe content, balancing screen time with "green time" and sharing personal information. You, the parents and carers, will also be given resources to support conversations with your children at home. We will be posting these “tip sheets” each term in the newsletter.
Save the date - Thursday 20th March
Raising Kids In A Digital World 2025 Webinar (for parents)
The webinar is simply a must for all parents to be informed about the impact of the digital world on their children. More details and registration to follow.
Save the date - Friday 14th March
National Ride2School Day is Australia’s biggest celebration of active travel and one of the best days on the school calendar. It is a day full of fun and colour where students, teachers and parents discover the joy of riding and kick-start healthy habits for the future. More details to follow in the next edition.
Chromebooks are a hit in Year 3
At St. Mary’s Primary School, our 1:1 Chromebook Program has begun in Year 3, giving students access to their own device to support learning in and beyond the classroom. This initiative helps develop digital literacy, collaboration, and independent research skills in a safe, structured environment. Students use Chromebooks for interactive lessons, creative projects, and exploring educational resources, all while learning responsible technology use. Well done to all the Year 3s for embracing the responsibility of their chromebooks.
Below is a copy of the 1 to 1 Laptop Program Handbook which sets out everything you need to know.
Classes Masses Begin
The Grades 1s and 2s are excited to attend their first class mass of 2025 this coming Friday, 21st February with school staff and Fr Jerome. All families are warmly invited to join with the students of 1R at the 9.15am service.
Families of the Preps are warmly invited to attend Mass the following Friday (28/2) with the Preps who will be attending.
Shrove Tuesday - 4th March
A huge thank you in advance to members of the P & F who have organised to come into school on the morning, cook pancakes and deliver them to each classroom! What a delicious treat which is meant to fuel us through the simple, reflective and prayerful weeks of Lent ahead. Students with particular dietary needs needs will be accommodated.
Ash Wednesday - 5th March
The following day is Ash Wednesday (5th March) which marks the beginning of Lent. All families are invited to join the school at Mass which begins at 9.15am.
Student of the Week Awards / Term 1 Weeks 2 & 3 / Be Respectful
Congratulations to the following students who were presented with their awards at the last couple of assemblies:
Lavinia B (Year 5/6L) - For always listening well and considering the thoughts and feelings of others.
Nicholas G (Year 5/6M) - For always greeting people with kindness and showing consideration towards during play and classroom activities.
Zac Mc (Year 1R) - For always being respectful towards his peers during learning times and making a conscious effort to listen to the teacher. Well done Zac!
Kayla P (Year 3T) - For being a consistently kind, respectful, and attentive member of Grade Three who is always willing to offer a helping hand to her classmates and teacher.
Radhe K (Year 2J) - For the kind and polite way she interacts with all in the class and her efforts to listen when respectfully when others are speaking.
Noel Z (Year 4M) - For making an excellent start setting at St Mary's School. We are very excited to have you join our class and community.
Tia (Prep B) - For using her manners when interacting with her teachers and classmates.
Alex K (Year 5/6L) - For consistently using beautiful manners both in the classroom and on the playground.
Henry D-R (Year 1R) - For always being respectful of his classmates during whole class learning and setting a positive example for his peers.
Doyeon L (Year 3T) - For always remaining patient, gracious, and above all, kind towards your classmates and teacher. Thank you for always listening and for being a great role model!
William M (Year 5/6M) - For using kind words when speaking with adults and students and using his initiative to help out without being asked. Keep noticing these small things William...they make a difference!
Anika K (Year 2J) - For the kind and friendly way she interacts with her peers and teachers and readily offers assistance to anyone she sees in need.
Max T (Year 4M) - For actively listening in class , focusing on tasks and being courteous and kind .
Community Calendar
The 2025 community calendar can be found on the Calendar page but we encourage all families to connect to the School’s Google Community Calendar.
Please also see link to our Google Calendar.
If you wish to add this calendar to your personal device, you can use the following ical link: