Welcome to 5/6N!

We have had a wonderful start to the year in 5/6N! We have been involved in lots of activities to get to know each other, make new friendships and we are learning the expectations and responsibilities of being senior students at SJV!
Here is what we are looking forward to this year:
Kester: I’m looking forward to Sports Day because I am going to help set up equipment.
Declan: I’m looking forward to camp because it will be my first one.
Ava: I’m excited for camp and I hope to be in a cabin with all my friends.
Thomas: I’m excited to do school tours because I get to show visitors around SJV.
Dinara and Chris: I’m excited for District Athletics!
Liam: I’m excited to try out for Hoop time!
Ashton and Hayden: I’m really excited for the school concert!
Vinusha: I’m looking forward to Public Speaking next term!
Destiny: I’m excited for the SJV Community Carnival!
Skylar: I’m looking forward to going to camp with my friends!
Tony: I’m looking forward to being a Mini Vinnie this semester!
Jaiden and Johnny: I am excited for School Swimming!
Giorgie and Caitlyn: I’m excited for Gala Day and to participate in Volleyball!
Aarush and Elaria: I’m looking forward to Book Week and dressing up as my favourite character!
Tim: I’m excited for the school disco!
Elly and Isis Mary: I’m looking forward to graduating with my friends at the end of the year!
Paul: I’m looking forward to playing Cricket at the Gala Day competitions.