Classroom Reports

Our Foundation students have had a fantastic start to the year, settling into new routines and learning all about our school’s SWPBS (School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support) expected behaviours. We have been focusing on listening skills and understanding feelings during Inquiry, helping us build strong and respectful relationships. In Maths, we have been busy learning to count, using hands-on activities to make numbers fun and meaningful. A highlight of our week has been listening to stories from the Greedy Cat series, which have sparked lots of laughter and discussion. We were also lucky to receive lots of chrysalis that we watched emerge as butterflies. We look forward to more exciting learning ahead!
P.S Library day is on this Friday. Don’t forget to bring a library bag.
Mrs Tanya, Classroom Teacher
Year 1/2 B
Mrs Torney, Classroom Teacher
Year 3/4 A
It has been an amazing start to the year in 3/4A! We kicked off our exciting 2025 campaign with the first school event being the swimming sports. Students did a fantastic job at participating in events, trying their best and supporting other peers. We were also impressed by the number of students who applied to be an SRC member. Everyone planned and read out outstanding speeches, you should all be extremely proud of yourselves for taking part in this process. Homework is being handed out on Mondays and is to be handed back on the next Monday each week. We are also encouraging students to read 4-5 nights at home.
Next Friday the 28th of February is school photos, forms have been sent home with students.
Mr Campbell and Mrs McKenzie, Classroom Teacher
Grade 3/4 B
We have had a great start to the year and have been getting settled into our classes and subjects. It was great to see so many of our grade 3/4s at swimming sports swimming in events, trying their best and supporting their classmates and other students in their houses. I have added in some pictures taken on the day. It was amazing to see so many students putting their hands up to write and read their speech to be a SRC member for grade 3/4B, everyone who did this should be extremely proud of themselves. Homework is being sent home on Mondays and is to be handed back in on Friday each week and we are encouraging students to read every night at home to an adult - it's been great to see this happening already, keep up the good work!
Next Friday the 28th of Feb, we have school photos – forms have been sent home with students.
Miss Lockhart, Classroom Teacher
Grade 5/6
Congratulations to all Year 6 students who wrote and presented their leadership speeches to the primary school. I am looking forward to seeing their great leadership skills throughout the year.
In Inquiry we have been looking at digital systems and have explored augmented reality through the app Quiver. We coloured images and watched them come to life.
Miss Eilish, Classroom Teacher
To help your children learn the basics of Auslan more effectively please encourage them to practice their alphabet. The ability to fingerspell words aids in communication when students do not know the sign for a word/idea. Please encourage your child to fingerspell the names of things they see everywhere. This helps with recall of the alphabet signs and developing fluency.
Adele George
Primary Auslan Teacher
Primary Music
It’s great to be back into our music sessions for 2025. We are starting the year by exploring the music and dance of different cultures around the world. We are using our prior knowledge of Disney films to help guide our understanding, as these films often present culture in a way that is accessible for children. Our current focus is Moana and the Polynesian culture.
Our Upper Primary students are learning the song ‘How far I’ll go’ on Ukuleles. Our Lower Primary students are learning the same song with voice and movement. Students have enjoyed watching Polynesian performances.
We will continue to explore the music, dance and sounds of more cultures throughout the term. If you have any music and dance that is important to your family’s culture, I’d love to hear from you, so I can potentially incorporate it in future culture lessons.
Mrs Postle, Music Teacher
Year 10
We are incredibly proud of our Year 10 students who represented our school at the NCD swimming event this week. Well done to Kayla, Tate, Jamie, Lucy and Aidan on your dedication and hard work while representing our college!
We would also like to extend a big congratulations to Kaitlyn and Aiden on being selected as our Year 10 SRC representatives and Dylan on being selected as a Bus Captain for 2025. It’s wonderful to see our students in leadership positions!
We are almost half way through Term 1 and would like to remind everyone of our sun smart policy, which requires students to wear school broadbrim hats during recess and lunchtime – even when playing sports like basketball or football on the top oval. We would also like to remind our Year 10 students about respecting their environment and remembering to put food scraps and rubbish in the bins provided during recess and lunch time. Being respectful of our school environment embodies our school values and shows that we have pride in our school grounds.
This week, students have received a number of forms and paperwork that needs to be completed and returned as soon as possible. This includes VCAA Personal details forms, which need to be returned to our VCE Coordinator, Mrs Carol Woodman. Permission forms regarding school dental visits and meningococcal vaccinations also need to be signed and returned to homeroom teachers. Even if deciding to decline a vaccination, it is important that the paperwork is signed and submitted.
School photos are scheduled for Friday, 28th February. All orders are to be completed online, with paper forms sent home today with students assist parents and guardians with this process. Please make sure you are wearing full school uniform next Friday!
Have a wonderful week!
Mr Watson, Mrs Barker, and Mr Iser, Homeroom Teachers
Year 11
Welcome, welcome and welcome! This year, the Year 11 homeroom teachers are Mr G, Miss M and Mr Fowles. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact any of us.
We have had a wonderful start to the term, with some good attendance. We really want to keep with up and strive for the school’s expectation of 95%.
We have several Year 11 students who have taken on leadership roles at the College. Big congratulations to the following students:
- House Captains: Dakota Martin, Indi Simpson, Jade Cramp and Tyson Blair
- SRC Representatives: Mia Rowan and Jorja Thomas
- Bus Captains: Indi Simpson, Mia Rowan, Dakota Martin, Chanelle Badenhorst
We know you will all lead by example.
The Albert “Knocker” Hayes Kokoda Scholarship
One lucky Year 11 student has the opportunity to do the Kokoda trail as part of The ‘Albert “Knocker” Hayes Kokoda Scholarship’.
The Trek will be in the July school holidays (5th- 15th) (TBC).
Applications need to be given to Mr Zubov no later than 3.30 pm Thursday the of 6th March 2025.
For more information and the application forms, please see compass.
- All VET subjects are now up and running. You are expected to be attending each week. Please make sure you have the right clothing (protective wear) for your subject.
- Structured workplaces will be up and running next week for our VM students. Students should be in the process of making contact with their workplaces.
- At VCE-VM level, if you are absent, you require a medical certificate.
- If you are absent from school, please send an email to your teachers to ensure you catch up on any work that is missed.
Homework Club
Homework club will be up and running on Wednesday and Thursday’s from Room 24. Those of you who are needing help/support, please come along.
Mark Gretgrix, Emma Milne & Danny Fowles, Homeroom Teachers
PE News - Mr P and Miss Milne
On Friday the 7th of February, we had our annual House Swimming Sports. Extreme heat resulted in a condensed and fast paced day of events, as Ansett and Jacka battled it out. Tensions were high, with the scores being neck and neck throughout the day. At the very end of the day, it came down to participation with Ansett being the victors. Ansett came away with the win, Jacka were superior in both dance offs. Special mention to the staff teams who finished first (Jacka staff) and second (Ansett staff) in the Staff v Student race.
Congratulations to the below students who were named age group champions.
Age Group Champions
9 Year Old: Annalise Tate & Jackson Guelfo
10 Year Old: Sofia Caserta, Jayde Gleisner & Elijah Pacheco
11 Year Old: Elizabeth Marr & Nate Crees
12 Year Old: Holly Gleisner, Ryder Gault & Charlie Finch
13 Year Old: Meika Collins & Sully Steele
14 Year Old: Aysha-Rose Sullivan & Caleb Gault
15 Year Old: Violet Stephenson & Ben Cunningham
16 Year Old: Kayla Cramp & Aidan Wingfield
17 Year Old: Jade Cramp & Tyson Blair
Open: Lillian Stephenson & Travis Lowe
Big thank you to all parents and carers for braving the heat and joining us for our 2025 House Swimming Sports. It was a fantastic day as always, highlighted by the staff and students who got into the pool to help others.
Miss Milne & Mr Pettifer, Sports Coordinators