Assistant Principal's
Mr Lockhart
Assistant Principal's
Mr Lockhart
Please wear helmets when riding to school, we have contacted the police to get assistance in this space. Parents and Carers we need your help – can you please ensure that the child in your care has a helmet and wears it when riding to school.
School Photos- Friday February 28th 2025
Dear Parents and Guardians ,
JRP Group will be at Wedderburn College on Friday 28th February to take individual, class, and sibling photos of all students.
Please see below some helpful information.
Ordering: All school photos are now ordered online. Parents will be able to pre- and post-order via the online ordering system using the details on the ordering guide attached. You will require a unique login code for each child, which can be found at the top of the order guide, which should come home today or tomorrow. This is the same as the Student ID for Wedderburn College.
This system allows parents to order digitals, prints, and enlargements, which will subsequently be delivered to each child via their class. Should you wish to view before ordering, please allow at least 14 days from Photo Day for your child’s images to appear in their gallery.
Uniform: Students will be required to wear their formal uniform.
Sibling Photos: Sibling photo sessions will run on Friday 28th February from 11:45am until 12:15pm and pre-ordering a Sibling Pack is required to ensure your photos are taken on the day.
Delivery: Please note that there is free delivery of School Photo Packs to Wedderburn College until Friday 14th March, after which a postage fee will apply, and all orders will be sent to students’ homes.
JRP has a dedicated customer service team that are available Monday to Friday to assist the school community with any ordering queries. The team is here to provide you with any help that you may need.
JRP Customer Service
Phone: 1300 360 115 | Email: | Website:
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch on 1300 360 115, or via email at
Foundation to Year 2 Playground
A large limb fell on the shade structure around 4.00pm on Tuesday. We now believe this tree is posing a significant risk and is being removed Wednesday afternoon. Until then the playground is out of bounds. Can all parents and carers please ensure that you keep your child away from this area before and after school.