Principal's Message

Mr Forrest

Out & About

It was great to visit the Year 12's during their action packed camp in Melbourne last week. It was testing at times due to the heat, however everyone worked together to modify the program.  The students had an awesome time and they would like to thank the staff who attended - Mrs Woodman, Mr Gretgrix and Janice.  The school would also like to thank DOXA Youth Foundation for providing such an action packed camp and quality food.   


Year 11 Kokoda Adventure

Two students from Wedderburn College will have the opportunity to attend a two week adventure in Papua New Guinea July of this year.   This will be an all expenses paid experience, thanks to the generosity of the local RSL, Lions Club, Wedderburn College and numerous local donors.  Special thanks to  our staff member, Peter Zubov and Wedderburn/Korong Vale RSL representatives Roger Patterson, Owen Rule and Diane Henderson who spoke to the Year 11 class about the opportunity last week.  The scholarships are named after local soldiers, Albert 'Knocker' Hayes and Norman 'Digger' Letts.     The two students who are successful will have to write a short essay and answer a questionnaire, complete an interview, and be prepared to train for several months in the lead up to the adventure.  All information has been distributed to students. 

We hope that this unique experience will continue into the future. 

Well Done @ Annual Sports 

I must swallow my Jacka pride by congratulating Ansett on winning the annual House Swimming Sports last Friday for the second year in a row.  Participation wins championships and Ansett had a high number of students participate in every event.  

Congratulations to everyone for the smooth running of the day, completing in record time so we could beat the heat! Thank you to staff for their wonderful organisition, the students who participated enthusiastically and parents who attended for their support. 

Jacka Staff victorious
Jacka Staff victorious

Unlike last year when a bout of COVID got me.  It didn't stop  the Jacka staff team cruising to victory over students and Ansett staff to take home the blue ribbon event at the end of the carnival. 


Hopefully Jacka students can respond positively in the House Cross Country  in  Term 2!



Ella, Georgia, Aliana and Lillian
Ella, Georgia, Aliana and Lillian

Annual Leadership Investiture

Our Student Leadership Investiture for 2025 School Captains, House Leaders and SRC (Student Representative Council) was held on Tuesday.  We had a great representation of parents and friends which was greatly appreciated.  

The process for selection of a leadership position involved different selection criteria depending on year level. The Year 12's had to complete an application, interview and student/staff vote.  The Year 6's were required to prepare a speech and present to their peers. (See photos of the Year 6 speech presentation above.)

SRC members are selected by a class vote from Year 3 to Year 11.    

We look forward to seeing what our new school leaders achieve in 2025.

School Fete - Easter Extravaganza

We have commenced planning for the annual Easter School Fete.

The fete will be held on the last day of Term 1, Friday 4th April commencing at 10 a.m. As it is the last day of term school we will finish the fete at 2:00 p.m. followed by presentations.   We will be asking for donations, stall holders and volunteers. Our Parents & Friends Association has already started with the annual Mega Easter Raffle.  All friends, family and community members are most welcome to attend.   Due to the building works we will most likely hold the fete in a different area of the school this year.  More details will be released to the community over the next few weeks. 


Curriculum Day Friday March 7th

A reminder that the Friday before the Labour Day long weekend is a school curriculum day.  No students will be at school on Friday 7th March. Teaching staff will be attending professional development activities in the Bendigo region.  Enjoy the extra long break. 

Time is Running out 

Submit Recipe for the Wedderburn College Cookbook Now!

On the 1st of July 2025 it will be 160 years to the day when a school officially opened in Wedderburn.  The 160 Years of Education will be celebrated the last week of Term 2, 2025 with a variety of activities across the week to embrace this monumental occasion.  One of the key features of the celebrations will be the launch of a hard cover, 200 page, coffee table recipe & history book.   We are now calling on families to submit their favorite recipes or Grandmas greatest hidden secrets to be considered for publication in this important book. Please understand that we are happy to take several recipes from families and community members, however it will not be possible for every recipe to be published. Not everyone will have a recipe published.  We have the rest of this term to submit recipes. Please use the format attached to submit your recipes, see below. 


Appointments for Principals

I apologise in advance, unfortunately I am the hardest person to pin down due to a variety of factors, such as meetings, pre-booked appointments and prior commitments. Most of February is already booked out.  We do have two Assistant Principals who may be able to assist when I am unavailable. For curriculum and school related questions please phone the school office and ask for Mr Alexander Iser or for all student matters and school related questions  please contact Mr Dean Lockhart. I cannot guarantee that we are available if you simply turn up to school as we are all involved in teaching classes this year and quite often have to step into classrooms to cover staff absences as well.

Please contact the school office 54943011 for all appointments.  


OHSC - Out of Hours School Care

Due to a staffing issue and low numbers at this stage we will not be having any before school care operating however after school care will go head. Please book your times via the school office 54943011.


Chapel Street Carpark

Please do not use Chapel Street as a carpark or drop off as building works are still in progress. There is parking available along Hospital Street and at the Donaldson Park Complex.