Upcoming Dates
& Events
What's coming up
Upcoming Dates
& Events
What's coming up
A list of CURRENTLY known school dates.
This list will be updated in the coming weeks and changes will be communicated.
2025 TERM ONE:
28. First Day for Staff Team
'Magnify Sandhurst' Launch
29. Second Day for Staff Team
30. Year 1 to Year 6 Students Commence
31. Foundation Students Commence
Breakfast Club
4. Foundation Students Photographed for annual Shepp News Prep Feature
5. Foundation (Prep) Rest Day
6. Feast of St Mel (Our Feast Day)
Music workshops with songwriter & musician Andrew Chinn
Feast Day Concert @ 2:30pm. All welcome.
7. Breakfast Club
Newsletter Publish Day
9. Thanksgiving Mass for Bishop Rene Ramirez (St Mel's Christ the King Church) @ 5pm
13. National Apology Breakfast (Queens Gardens) @ 7:45am
12. Parish Pastoral Council mtg @ 7:00pm
14. Breakfast Club
St Mel's PS Opening School Mass (St Mel's Christ the King Church) @ 10:30am
18. School Advisory Council mtg @ 7:00pm
19. Foundation (Prep) Rest Day
21. Breakfast Club
Newsletter Publish Day
24. Get To Know You Interviews
25. Get To Know You Interviews
26. Foundation (Prep) Rest Day
28. Breakfast Club
4. Shrove Tuesday
5. Ash Wednesday
Foundation (Prep) Rest Day
7. Breakfast Club
Newsletter Publish Day
10. Labor Day Public Holiday - No School!
11. School Photo Day
12. NAPLAN commences (Concludes: 24 March)
Foundation (Prep) Commence Wednesdays
Parish Pastoral Council mtg @ 7:00pm
14. Breakfast Club
St Mel's Parish Deb Ball 1
15. St Mel's Parish Deb Ball 2
18. School Advisory Council mtg @ 7:00pm
19. Feast of St Joseph
21. Harmony Day
Breakfast Club
Newsletter Publish Day
St Mel's Parish Deb Ball 3
22. St Mel's Parish Deb Ball 4
28. Breakfast Club
2. School Closure Day - MAGNIFY Staff Behaviour Curriculum PL
4. Last Day of Term One
Breakfast Club
Newsletter Publish Day
5. Holidays Commence
9. Parish Pastoral Council mtg @ 7:00pm
2025 TERM TWO:
21. Easter Monday
22. First Day of Term Two
School Closure Day - MAGNIFY Staff Science of Learning PL Day 1
23. School Closure Day - MAGNIFY Staff Science of Learning PL Day 2
24. School Closure Day - MAGNIFY Staff Science of Learning PL Day 3
25. Anzac Day Public Holiday
28. Students commence for Term Two
2. Breakfast Club
Newsletter Publish Day
3. World Labyrinth Day
5. Catholic Education Week commences
9. Breakfast Club
St Mel's PS Mother's Day High Tea
11. Mother's Day
14. Parish Pastoral Council mtg @ 7:00pm
16. Breakfast Club
Newsletter Publish Day
19. Swimming Week
20. School Advisory Council mtg @ 7:00pm
23. Breakfast Club
27. Reconciliation Week commences
F.I.R.E. Carrier Commissioning (TBC)
30. Breakfast Club
Reconciliation Mass
Newsletter Publish Day
1. Feast of St Hannabal
6. Breakfast Club
11. Parish Pastoral Council mtg @ 7:00pm
13. Breakfast Club
Newsletter Publish Day
17. School Advisory Council mtg @ 7:00pm
20. Breakfast Club
27. Breakfast Club
Newsletter Publish Day
4. Breakfast Club
Last Day of Term Two
6. NAIDOC Week commences
9. Parish Pastoral Council mtg @ 7:00pm
21. Start of Term Three
25. Breakfast Club
Newsletter Publish Day
28. Parent Teacher Student Interviews
29. Parent Teacher Student Interviews
1. Breakfast Club
8. Breakfast Club
Newsletter Publish Day
Feast of Mary MacKillop
11. Book Week Performance
13. School Closure Day - MAGNIFY Staff Spirituality Day
Parish Pastoral Council mtg @ 7:00pm
15. Breakfast Club
16. Book Week Commences
19. School Advisory Council mtg @ 7:00pm
22. Breakfast Club
Newsletter Publish Day
Book Parade Day
29. Breakfast Club
4. Father's Day Stall
5. Men's Breakfast
Newsletter Publish Day
7. Father's Day
10. Parish Pastoral Council mtg @ 7:30pm
12. Breakfast Club
16. School Advisory
19. Breakfast Club
Newsletter Publish Day
Last Day of Term Three
6. First Day of Term Four
10. Breakfast Club
15. Parish Pastoral Council mtg @ 7:00pm
17. Breakfast Club
Newsletter Publish Day
21. School Advisory Council mtg @ 7:00pm
24. Breakfast Club
31. Breakfast Club
Newsletter Publish Day
3. School Closure Day - Report Writing
4. Melbourne Cup Day Holiday
7. Breakfast Club
11. Remembrance Day
12. Parish Pastoral Council mtg @ 7:00pm
14. Breakfast Club
Newsletter Publish Day
17. School Closure Day - Planning Day for 2026
21. Breakfast Club
28. Breakfast Club
Newsletter Publish Day
2. School Advisory Council mtg @ 7:00pm
5. Breakfast Club
9. Statewide Transition Day
10. Parish Pastoral Council mtg @ 7:00pm
11. Graduation Mass
12. Breakfast Club
Newsletter Publish Day
15. Aquamoves Fun Day
16. Last Day for Students
17. School Closure Day - MAGNIFY PL Day
18. School Closure Day - Time in Lieu Acquittal 1
19. School Closure Day - Time in Lieu Acquittal 2