From Our Principal

St Mel's is a proud Catholic Education Community, striving, learning 


and achieving together through Christ our light.

Newsletter  ~ Term 1, Week 2, 2025

Principal's Message:

Dear Parents, Carers, Families and Friends of St Mel’s Primary School,


Thank you parents and carers for supporting your children commence the school year so well across these initial days. We have resumed learning programs smoothly and positively with our learners, teachers and Learning Support Officers experiencing the elements of Magnify rolling out across the school. 


Thank you also for supporting our need to modify parking earlier this week in support of the parish working bee.


Celebrating Our Feast Day:

Yesterday we celebrated our Feast Day and the beginning of our school year with a special visit by singer, songwriter and musician Andrew Chinn. Andrew has been a regular visitor to our school community across many years and is indeed a special friend of St Mel's Primary School. Students participated in workshops across the day and gathered with parents, carers, parishioners, our priests and community members for a special Feast Day Concert in the afternoon. Our Feast Day also included an 'Open School' opportunity for parents, carers and community members to visit our Learning Suites.


St Mel:

St Mel, our patron saint, cousin of St Patrick, was one of 19 children, most of whom joined religious orders. Mel and his brothers accompanied St Patrick on his missionary work across Ireland. Patrick consecrated Mel and appointed him Bishop of Ardagh, Ireland. Mel spent his adult life as a travelling missionary bringing the Word of God to various communities. Mel supported himself by working with his hands as a labourer and gave what he earned beyond bare necessities to the poor. 


Our Rogationist Priests:

Prior to our Feast Day Concert we welcomed Fr Ronaldo 'Ronald' Masilang to our school community. Fr Ronald has recently joined Fr Ruel in community at St Mel's Parish House with the recent departure of Fr (now Bishop) Rene Rodriguez.  Today Fr Ronald and Fr Ruel where joined by Fr Addin from the St Mary's Parish in Mooroopna. Our Feast Day Concert was a wonderful opportunity for our school community meet and welcome Fr Ronald and welcome Fr Ruel and Fr Addin for the Feast Day. 


Bishop Rene Rodriguez Returns to St Mel's Parish:

This Sunday at the 5 o'clock Mass we will gather with Fr Ronald, Fr Ruel, Bishop Shane MacKinlay, priests, parishioners and visitors for a Mass of Thanksgiving for Bishop Rene a week after his ordination as Auxilary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Melbourne. We look forward to the celebration and opportunity to thank Bishop Rene for his many contributions during his relatively short ministry as Parish Priest of St Mel's. Following Mass food will be available from food vans as part of the celebrations (at cost). All welcome. 

BYO: Chairs, picnic rugs, drinks.


Opening School Mass:

Our celebrations will continue Friday 14 February as we gather in Christ the King Church for our Start of Year Mass at 10:30am. Parents, carers, parishioners and the wider community are invited to join our gathering. Year Six Leaders will be presented with their leadership badges during the Mass. Looking forward to celebrating our smooth, positive and engaging start to our new year of learning as a school community on Friday. 


'Magnify Sandhurst' 

Every Student - Every Teacher - Every School - Every Day!

Elements currently being implemented...



Source of Life Religious Education 

English / Literacy (InitiaLit)


Year 1 & Year 2:

Source of Life Religious Education 

English / Literacy (InitiaLit)


Years 3 to 6:

Source of Life Religious Education 

English / Literacy (OCHRE)

Mathematics (OCHRE)


NOTE: Other curriculum areas will be introduced across successive years replacing curriculum planning and delivery traditionally employed at our schools.


From next week we have staff training in MultiLit Literacy / English Intervention approaches: MiniLit and MacqLit.


Our Staff Team are to be congratulated on their positive, open and committed adoption of the changes associated with implementing these broad curriculum changes accompanying the roll out of Magnify. Whilst we have provided additional opportunity for staff to 


'Magnify Sandhurst' [Repeat from end of 2024]

Please find attached a letter from Kate Fogarty, Executive Director, CES Ltd Sandhurst in relation to 'Magnify Sandhurst'.


School Lunch Orders - Lockwood Road Takeaway

Our school lunch order service is temporarilly unavailable at this time.

Our provider, Lockwood Road Takeaway is currently closed for renovations.

The expected closure is to last a few more weeks.

We will provide further updates, including a resumption of the service, at a future date.

For the time being children will need to bring their lunch each day.


Apology Breakfast & Ceremony - Thursday 13 February 2025:

School students, parents and carers will join me at the local Apology Breakfast and Ceremony to be held next week adjacent to the William Cooper statue in the Queens Gardens. This important event will be an opportunity to gather with local and visiting Aboriginal elders, people and organisation representatives, schools and the broader community in memory and respect of the apology offered to the First Nations people of Australia, on behalf of the nation by then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. Members of the community are welcome to attend.

           7:45am Arrival

           8:00am Ceremony commences

           8:55am Ceremony concludes

The Apology Breakfast and Ceremony is an opportunity to hear from Aboriginal leaders, students and members of our local community. We continue to strive for reconciliation, truth telling and respect.


Organisers have requested children eat PRIOR to attending the Apology Breakfast & Ceremony due to the limited food available. 


The attached Apology Breakfast flyer contains a link to REGISTER for this event.


St Mel's Kindergarten - Ranked BEST in the Goulburn Valley:

Congratulations to Miriam 'Mim' Stewart and the St Mel's Kinder Team on recently being named best kindergarten in the Goulburn Valley by KindiCare. In June 2023, St Mel's kinder was rated 'Exceeding National Quality Standard' under the Federal Government's National Quality Framework. The Shepparton News recently published a story in relation to this wonderful achievement. We congratulate Mim and the St Mel's Kinder Team on the standard of excellence they maintain in support of the pre-school children in their care.  


St Mel's Primary School Shepparton FACEBOOK:

Our school FACEBOOK page can be located HERE!

Following a trial last year we have introduced this FACEBOOK presence as a way of publicly celebrating our school community and providing regular updates and information regarding our school. 


The St Mel's Primary School Shepparton FACEBOOK page is not a mode of communicating with our school. Face to face, phone and/or email communication fulfills that role.

A reminder that the school's NEWSLETTER is our main source of updating parents, carers and community, with reminders sent via email and SiMON EVERYWHERE (PAM). 


Breakfast Club (Fridays):

Each Friday a Breakfast Club is offered from the St Mel's canteen for students. On arrival students can visit Breakfast Club and enjoy toast (& spreads), cereal and/or juice. Breakfast Club is a wonderful early morning gathering place for our students seeking some nourishment prior to engaging in their learning for the last day of the week. Some children enjoy a second breakfast! All welcome!


Personal Digital Devices: [Repeat from end of 2024]

Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd has released a new policy in regard these devices more prevalent in our secondary school settings than in our primary schools. Earlier this year I shared information in regard to our school expectations in relation to mobile phones and wearable Personal Digital Devices (e.g., Smart watches).

Please find attached a letter from Kate Fogarty, Executive Director, CES Ltd Sandhurst in relation to Personal Digital Devices and the 2025 school year.



School Dates:

Please check the Upcoming Dates & Events section of the newsletter regularly.




Thank you parents, carers, families, children and staff for the wonderful start to our new year of learning together. 





Stephen 'Steve' Hicks




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