Whole School News

District Swimming
The Heidelberg District Sports Association Swimming Trials will be held on Monday 3 March at Northcote Aquatic Centre, from 9.30am – 12.30pm. Children aged between 9 and 13 have the opportunity to compete at the trials in the following events....
- 50 metres freestyle
- 50 metres backstroke
- 50 metres breaststroke
- 50 metres butterfly
Please be aware that teachers will not be supervising this activity. Therefore, parents are responsible for transporting and supervising their own children on the day.
Children are only allowed to participate in 2 events. If you would like your child to compete, please complete the attached permission slip and return to the office by Monday 24 February.
These slips are also available at the office for students to take home, or for parents to complete.
Kelli Zeally
Sports Coordinator
RPS Athletics Carnival (Grades 3-6 )
We have exciting news! This year, we will be hosting a Grade 3-6 Athletics Carnival on Friday 7th March, at the Willinda Park Athletics Track. This day will be used to select our athletics team to represent RPS at the District Athletics Day on Thursday 27th March.
To ensure the day is a success, we are seeking parent volunteers to assist with various roles throughout the event. All volunteers will need a Working with Children’s Card and need to complete 2025 school induction form.
Please email kelli.zealley@education.vic.gov.au if you are able to assist.
Thank you for your support, and we look forward to a fantastic day of athletics!
Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF)
Students Of The Week
Congratulations to our fantastic leaders of learning last week!
Term 1 - Week 3
1S - Hannah A
1W - Lexi W
2K - Hannah K
2J - Summer H
2P - Leo P
3/4R - Omar L
3/4V - Ishanya A
4/5B - Alice H
5/6A - Sam S
5/6D - Zachary P
5/6T - Carter CD