A note from Mr Jackson

Student Leadership Presentation 

Friday 21 February 2025

Tomorrow, we celebrate student voice and leadership within the school with the presentation of badges at the morning assembly that is scheduled to start at 9:10am with students from Year 1 through to Year 6. All are welcome to come and join us as Mr Anthony Carbines, State Member for Ivanhoe, will present the senior student leaders, class Junior School Council Representatives and the class Sustainability Agents with their badges. Parents of students presented with their badges are invited to stay for a light morning tea hosted by FORPS. 


These roles provide a significant opportunity for students to grow into their roles over their leadership term. For our Year 6 leaders, it is a chance to drive changes collaboratively by coordinating with their peers and for the class Sustainability and Junior School Council representatives it is an opportunity to learn more about creating change that impacts the spaces around us. Such civic understandings are central to growing up in our democracy. 


Setting up Learning Routines in the Mornings

Over these initial weeks of the year, staff and students are developing routines that support the entry into learning. This can be as simple as unpacking a school bag at the start of the day and organising personal equipment, ready to learn. One of the important procedures students are developing across the school  is lining up at the start of the day and entering the classroom in an organised and independent manner. Parents are encouraged to farewell children as they head into class, encouraging them to make a positive start to the morning routines, by entering the classroom independently. 


Teachers are always available to support the entry of students who may require some extra encouragement and support. Please don’t hesitate to send them through an email or leave a message for them at the office.


FORPS Annual General Meeting 

Wednesday 26 February at 7:00pm

Next Wednesday evening, all are invited to join other parents and carers as they gather to support the Friends and Families of Rosanna Primary (FORPS) Group. This parent association is a chance for parents to support the school through its fundraising events. 


Working Bee invitation 

Saturday 1 March, 9:00am to noon

It is all 'hands on deck' on this morning working bee as everyone contributes to spreading mulch under the top and lower adventure playgrounds. Bring a wheelbarrow and some sturdy shoes to help make the difference. This is an annual festival on the Working Bee schedule and ensures the safety of students as they play. Your presence makes all the difference.


FORPS Welcome Back Picnic 

Friday 28 February from 5:00pm

We have all drawn a breath and landed in 2025. Some with a stumble and others on two feet. Whatever the entry, come and celebrate our arrival at the FORPS Welcome Back Picnic. It is a relaxed opportunity to gather with school families and our local community to draw a breath. Bring along a picnic blanket and dinner and relax. You can also buy a sausage.  Students will be given the opportunity to paint the schools longest mural.


Asbestos Removals Completed

Wednesday 19 February

A special thanks for all who vacated the site promptly last night as we removed a window in the Visual Arts space that had asbestos embedded in the mastic. The schools Asbestos Management Plan was followed and the health safety of all was prioritised.  A class A asbestos removalist and hygienist was onsite throughout the removal. We received clearance that deemed the site safe for occupation. The next step will be to install the air conditioners to provide heating and cooling to the space.


Annual Privacy Reminder: Further Advice

Our school collects and uses student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy and the Schools’ Privacy Collection Notice.


Parents would have also received consent notices regarding Photographing, Filming and Recording Students permission, describing how we collect and use photographs, video and recordings of students. We are always happy to have conversations when parents wish to change their consent status.


We ask parents to also review the guidance we provide on how we use Microsoft 365 safely in the senior levels of the school and what parents can do to further protect their child’s information. If after reviewing the guidance, you have any questions or concerns regarding your child using Microsoft 365, please contact the school.


For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ privacy policy: information for parents.


Allied Health Services Access

We are experiencing a growing demand from NDIS service providers including speech therapists and occupational therapists eager to schedule appointments during the school day.


These services have traditionally been provided to students after school hours, but there is a growing number of requests for the school to accommodate these external services during learning times. We are always eager to collaborate with outside agencies in the interests of supporting student learning and wellbeing, but have to balance that with the limited spaces on site for sessions, as well as ensuring the continuity of learning experiences for students in the classroom. 


For these reasons, we have decided to limit the visits of therapists and allied health services to one visit for each child in a week. If you wish such service to be provided for your child at school, a request should be directed to our Disability Inclusion team of Lynda Whitechurch or Emily Seing who are working on Mon-Wed.