From the Principal

Good morning everyone, another busy week. 


Many of the Year 12 students attended the Golden Valleys Adventure camp at Flinders. This is the first camp many of them have been on, since they enrolled in Yr 7. When they were in Yr 7 and 8, COVID and lockdown prevented camps from running. A great time was had by all.


Each term, we invite students from the local primary schools to participate in transition activities. This term, tabloid sports were organised in the Stadium. Students from Mornington Park Primary School and Benton Junior College had loads of fun and went back to school after devouring a sausage in bread and an icy-pole.


Students in Yr 10 Outdoor Ed participated in a 2-hour introductory surf session at Phillip Island, and had lunch in San Remo before returning to school.


The squads and clubs are well attended. It is great to see so many students finding a connection and engaging with activities outside of the classroom.


The uniform, new and old, looks great on our students. The wearing of school uniform is a School Council decision and is compulsory for all students. The wearing of uniform:

  • fosters a sense of community and belonging and encourages students to develop pride in their appearance
  • supports the College’s commitment to ensuring that our students feel equal and are dressed safely and appropriately for school activities
  • reduces student competition based on clothing
  • enhances the profile and identity of the school and its students within the wider community.

I have included the uniform policy with this newsletter. If there is an issue with purchasing uniform, please don’t hesitate to contact Student Services. There are many uniform options to cater for all students. PSW is our uniform supplier and will work with families.


Have a great weekend everyone


Linda Stanton






Important Dates

Term 1 2025



Mar -Monday 3rd to Wednesday 5th Year 8 Camp 1 - Phillip Island

Mar -Wednesday 5th to Friday 7th Year 8 Camp 2 - Phillip Island

Mar - Monday 10th Labour Day Public Holiday

Mar - Tuesday 11th Whole School House Athletics Carnival

Mar - Wednesday 12th to Monday 24th Naplan

Mar - Wednesday 19th to Friday 21st Year 12 Murray River Paddle Camp

Mar - Tuesday 25th College Open Night

Mar - Thursday 27th Morrisby Profiling - Year 9

Mar - Monday 31st to Wednesday 2nd April Year 10 Outdoor Education Camp Otways

Mar - Monday 31st Year 7 Grandparents Morning Tea



Apr - Wednesday 2nd Year 7 Disco

Apr - Thursday 3rd Parent and Teacher Interviews - face to face

Apr - Friday 4th End of Term 1 - 2:30pm finish


Term 2 2025



Apr - Tuesday 22nd Term 2 commences 

Apr - Thursday 24th College Anzac Day Service 10:15am 

Apr - Friday 25th Anzac Day Public Holiday

Apr - Monday 28th to Wednesday 30th  Year 10 Outdoor Education Camp Otways


Middle School

Exciting events are on the horizon at Mornington Secondary College!


This week, our Year 8 students are eagerly preparing for their camp to Phillip Island next week. This is always a highlight of the year, providing students with the opportunity to make new friends, develop new skills, and take on exciting challenges—all while having plenty of fun! A huge thank you to Adam Pirrie and Kim Rattue for their outstanding work in organising the camp, and to all the staff attending. Your dedication, including time away from your own families, is truly appreciated, ensuring our students have a fantastic experience.


Our Athletics Day is also fast approaching, and our Year 9 students are keen to participate in a variety of events. Held at Ballam Park, this is always a fantastic day filled with friendly competition, team spirit, and school pride.


We are looking forward to our Open Night on March 25. This is a great opportunity for families to explore our college, take part in fun activities, and see first hand the incredible programs and learning experiences we offer. We encourage you to come along and experience the vibrant atmosphere of our school community—we would love to see you there!


In the classroom, teachers are currently completing progress checks, assessing student effort in every subject, and determining academic levels. This process helps us track learning progress and ensure each student is supported in their educational journey.


A reminder that Parent-Teacher Interviews will be held at the school on Thursday, April 3. This is an invaluable opportunity to discuss your child’s progress with their teachers. Information on how to book appointments will be shared via a newsfeed in March.

We look forward to seeing you at these upcoming events and thank you for your ongoing support!


Have a great week




Denise Leggett

Assistant Principal




Senior School

To students and families of the Mornington Senior School,


Just like that, we’ve reached the halfway point of term 1. 


Year 12 retreat

Our wonderful class of 2025 have spent the second part of the week going on a camp – an opportunity they were denied in Year 7 due to the pandemic in 2020. A group of 120+ students were very excited on Wednesday morning as they brought in their bags for camp (some had seemingly packed for 2 weeks while others realised, they’d left their toothbrush at home!) and gathered excitingly before jumping on the buses and heading off for days full of rope courses, giant swings, duty groups, wellbeing , cyber-safety and possibly some interrupted sleep. A great opportunity for students to push their limits and get out of their comfort zones and get to know some of their peers better than they did. Even a couple of Assistant Principals and the Principal were able to split their duties to attend part of the camp. I am led to believe it’s the first year 12 cohort camp for over a decade. I’d like to acknowledge the hard work of Jo Reeman, Jo Dixon and the student leaders who turned this camp from an idea into reality. Also, thanks to the staff who gave up time with their families to attend. After the weekend to recover, it’s straight back into the hard work.



Year 11 

The year 11 cohort have started their VCE journey well and I just wanted to acknowledge some students who have 100% attendance so far this year – setting themselves up for success. Next week there will be a year 11 assembly 






Jeannie BRENTON 

Xavier BROWN 

Alexander CLASSON 

Annabelle COX 

Rebecca DAVIES 

Imogen DUNCAN 


Thomas FRASER 

Lukas JANDA 

Benjamin JOHNSON 



Rhiley MANGAN 




Sari PEEL 

Isobel REED 


Justin SINGH 

Annabelle TENISWOOD 

Positive Posts – Year 10

We’ve had lots of our Year 10 teachers posting positive chronicle entries for our Year 10s. In the last fortnight we’ve had the following posts recorded.


Congratulations to the following students who have all had 10 or more positive posts recorded about them. Thank you for contributing to a great school learning environment.


Georgia CHANT


Connor BEST





Scarlett MURDOCH

Joseph ARENA

Anh Duong NGUYEN

Nitheesh KANTHAN





Avantika ALE

















Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) for our VCE VM students

Our VCE VM program is designed to prepare students for entry into the workforce (or further education) straight after school, either through an apprenticeship, employment or TAFE. A major part of the program is the structured workplace learning (SWL) component where students gain an exemption from the fourth day of their VM classes (either the Wed or Friday where they currently have an integrated program) to attend their SWL. The aim is to have 100% of students in structured work placements by the end of term 1. Students who have their SWL paperwork signed off, will be exempt from their fourth day of classes from next week. I must note that students who are working without having their forms signed off are not covered by insurance (and neither is their employer) so it’s essential for students to submit that paperwork to Fiona Cornwall (VET coordinator). Students also need to complete their safe-at-work certificates (general and industry specific) to be eligible for SWL approval. These must be done prior to attending the workplace. For more information, students should contact their work-related skills teacher.


In previous years, students who have performed well at their SWL have been offered apprenticeships and employment, so the SWL is a vital tool in helping students to become ‘work-ready’. I can’t wait to hear about the success stories of our current VCE VM students.


What is coming up this term in the Senior School? 


Mon 10th Mar – Labour Day Public Holiday – no classes

Tues 11th Mar – MSC Athletics Day

Thurs 3rd Apr – Parent Teacher interviews – no classes


Kind regards and I’ll hopefully have some reports on the Year 12 Retreat when I write next week.




Nick Evans

Senior School Assistant Principal

Student connection is a key to unlocking success


School is filled with opportunities, both inside and outside the classroom. This week I want to focus on things outside the classroom.  When we think about our own experiences of secondary school it's often the things we did outside the classroom which hold our strongest and happiest memories. That time when your team won the regional volleyball, or the college production you were in, or the club you were a part of. It is no surprise that these things come front of mind, they are important parts of your life’s journey, they helped shape the person you have become. For some of us they were the glue that kept us coming to school.


The College has a wide variety of extra curricular programs on offer and we are building and strengthening these this year.  I have already written about the great uptake in student leadership positions, but I would now like to move the focus onto other opportunities for your children to get involved in. Two linked areas I think are worth mentioning; instrumental music and college production. Both of these areas challenge students to move outside their comfort zones and by doing so build new skills which can give them confidence, resilience and tenacity which will last into their future life. I would encourage all students to get involved in these areas. Jo Tobias can be contacted for involvement in instrumental music and Sara Jeffs for College production.


Next week…..Sporting squads!


Merit where merit is due


The college runs a merit award system which acknowledges student participation in extra curricular activities. The merit awards are divided in to 3 categories; The Arts, Sport and Recreation and Community and Service.  Students gain a point towards the appropriate category for each hour they participate in an activity. Once they have 100 points they get a bronze badge, 200 for silver, 350 for gold and 700 for platinum. Points accumulate each year, so students will meet the various levels as they journey through the school.   


So let's encourage students to get involved in the life of the school.




Mike Parker

Assistant Principal




Open Night 2025

Please spread the word, or better still, please come and join us at our 2025 Open Night Showcase.


On Tuesday 25th March from 5-7pm, we will be hosting an Open Night for prospective Mornington Secondary College students and families.  The night will be filled with an assortment of activities and entertainment across all of our key learning areas. It will be a fun night, with food options available for visiting families. 

Question: Do you enjoy hitting the pavements?  We would love to hear from members of our school community who would be kind enough to assist in letterbox dropping our Open Night flyers.  If you would be interested please email

Year 7 Captains - a first hand account of the application process


The process started when I saw it on the compass board, and I thought about it for a couple days. What motivated me to go for the Captain role was my previous school and family. At my previous school I was the School Captain so I wanted to see if I could achieve it at High School, and my family motivated me to go for it! At first I was a bit sceptical because it was a bigger responsibility, but my family encouraged me and I decided to try out and I said “ok why not.” And that’s what I did, I tried out and got the role. I was happy I did.


We applied through a survey and an interview with Mrs Mackenzie and one of the college captains, Carter.  We had a week roughly to apply. I applied the day before applications were due, so I was a bit late. But the reason is I wanted to think about it for a bit.


I thought I went well with the interview; I did mess up by saying Moorooduc a lot instead of Mornington because my previous school was Moorooduc, and it sounds similar. I think my speech was well prepared, and the structure was good!  I was nervous about the lead-up to the interview, but when I started speaking it was like I changed and was speaking with confidence. I was very proud of myself at the end.  


My goal as Year 7 Captain is simply to spread kindness over the school and to do my best as a captain. I feel proud because at the start I thought if I go for it I probably wont even get it, but when you get motivated or even try, it’s a whole different story that plays out. So even if you don’t think you will get it, try, because you never know. If I can do it then obviously so can you!




Kyen Green

Year 7 Captain 





I was motivated to run as a Year 7 captain because I love leadership!


The process was easy. First, you apply online and after that you meet in person and get asked some further questions.


I found out about the role on Compass and when the teachers talked about it. You have about a week to apply but I applied first thing. The interview process was easy but I was a bit nervous. I felt confident in the lead up to the interview and I slowed down my talking because when I am nervous I stutter and bite my nails.


My goal this year as Year 7 Captain is to make the school better.



Gypsie Webster

 Year 7 Captain






Hello, I’m Year 7 Vice-Captain Ed Tout and this is how I got the role. 


I got this role by only stating the truth and what I’d think would be good for our Year 7’s. I accomplished the interview by only saying what I think would get me the role and what I would think could improve our amazing school.


I can’t forget how I got motivated to apply. I got motived by how I have worked hard to become leader in my primary school. 


I started the application process by completing the Microsoft form to apply for Year 7 Captain. At the time I had lots of time on my hands to complete the questions in great details. I had about one and a half weeks as I completed it on the second day.




Ed Tout

Year 7 Vice Captain 





Hi, my name is Alina, and I went for Year 7 Captain this year.  What motivated me to go for this role was that I want to make every student feel heard in the opinion of how to make the school better in our community. 


The process between applying for Year 7 Captain was answering questions and giving examples as to why you would be a great captain for your year level. I found out about this role by seeing an advertisement on Compass. I didn’t want to do it at first because I had no faith in myself, but my best friend told me to give it a go. I think we had about 2 or 3 weeks to apply for Captain. I was very nervous but then I built up my confidence. The interview was not as bad as I expected. I managed my nerves by relaxing and telling myself in my head that’s it going to be ok even if I don’t get the role; I still tried my best. 


I hope this helps with your confidence for next year to go for a role in leadership. 




Alina Papat 

Year 7 Vice Captain


Year 9 Update

As we move further into the school year, it has been fantastic to see our Year 9 students settling in so well and embracing the challenges of their new subjects. They have been working hard across a wide range of learning areas, showing great enthusiasm and resilience. 


Our Thursday Connect sessions have provided students with valuable opportunities to engage in both practical sports sessions and career-based learning. These sessions have been a great way for students to build teamwork skills, explore different career pathways, and develop a greater understanding of their future options.


This term, students will also complete their Morrisby testing, which will offer them valuable insights into their strengths and potential career directions. This assessment is an important step in helping students make informed decisions about their future studies and pathways into the workforce.


We look forward to seeing the continued growth and achievements of our Year 9 students throughout the term.




Rob Horwill

Yr 9 Team Leader


Year 11 Outdoor Education Wilson's Prom Camp

Last week, our Year 11 Outdoor Education students completed a fantastic 3-day Wilson's Prom Outdoor Education Camp. They had the opportunity to experience surfing, hiking, and the natural beauty of the area. Highlights included a stunning sunset at Mount Oberon, surfing in the perfect waves at Norman Beach, and enjoying the cheeky wildlife at Tidal River campground. 


A big thank you to our dedicated staff – Mr. Williams, Mrs. Nicholls, Mr. Olarenshaw, and Kobi Lawson – for making this experience unforgettable for our students! 


We hope all students had a fantastic camp.




Madi Nicolls

Outdoor Education Teacher



VCE Art Lume: Van Gogh excursion 

Last week our Unit 1 Art students visited the Lume: Van Gogh exhibition to explore how artists use materials and techniques to realise their intentions as part of their studies in Art Making & Exhibiting. Themes, concepts and ideas in Van Gogh’s artworks were analysed and interpreted to identify and connect elements of artworks in the exhibition to a wider historical, cultural and social context.  Unit 3 Art students also attended to investigate the curatorial aspects for an 'exhibition they have visited this year'.



Year 9 Art classwork

Our Year 9's made the most of the nice weather last Friday.  Their project was a 'three part' eye stencil. Year 9 students are exploring colour combinations and presentation of finals.





Lea Gilbert

Head of Art



Japanese Exchange Program 2025

Mornington Secondary College is very excited to announce that we have been invited to take 15 students on a two-week exchange program to Japan in September this year. 

This program is open to students in Year 8 through to Year 11, who are currently studying Japanese.

Please click on the below link to for more information and to register your interest, and feel free to contact for any queries and further details. 

Thank you 



Mel Brindle 

Head of Language



Hands on Learning: Public Space Artwork Project

Year 8 and Year 9 Hands on Learning students are creating a public space artwork guided by Inigo Chiquirrin (Txiki) and Kate Jensen from 'Everyday Dude' art organisation. The project is to paint the side of Fusion Op Shop wall in Robertson Drive with an artwork chosen by the students. It was exciting to see the project begin last Friday. Stay tuned for more photos as the artwork develops!




Matt Butcher

Hands on Learning



Year 9 and 10 Divisional Sport

Boys and Girls Tennis

On Thursday February 20th, Year 9 and 10 students participated in Divisional Tennis at Mornington Tennis Centre. Our girl's team battled hard and defeated Western Port, however went down to Mt Eliza, Dromana and Somerville.


Our boys team lead by Jed Clinch, dominated the competition and only dropped one set for the day. They will now proceed to the Regional competition on April 28 at Packenham Tennis Centre. 


Congratulations to all players; you demonstrated our college values and it was a pleasure to watch you represent MSC.

Mr Doherty

Year 9 Coordinator



Girls Volleyball

On Thursday February 20th the Year 9 and 10 girls did well placing second in their pool but did not progress to play in the final which was won by Mt Eliza. It was a great competition played in a friendly atmosphere with all six of our division schools represented by two teams. Volleyball bas become a very popular sport over the past few years with participation steadily increasing each year.

John Walker

College Sport



Boys Cricket

On Thursday February 20th the Year 9 and 10 boys competed very successfully in Divisional Cricket.  The team managed to win on the day and move onto the next level of competition which will be held in a few weeks time.  It was a fantastic effort by everyone involved!



Rob Horwill

Head of PE




Year 10 Outdoor and Environmental Studies Phillip Island Surfing Excursion


On Tuesday 25th February Mr Walker’s Year 10 Outdoor and Environmental Studies class went to YCW beach on Phillip Island to test our skills at surfing and to consolidate our understanding of issues that surround beach and water safety. The weather was beautiful, and the waves were terrific for beginner surfers. 


Many in the class had limited experience with surfing. It was fantastic to see the progression in their skills and the building of their confidence in such a short period of time. Some of the more experienced surfers in the group challenged themselves on the larger waves out the back with some catching some impressive rides. Just as impressive was the collection on nose dives and wipeouts! 


After the session we headed back to San Remo for lunch before the bus journey back to school listening to some tunes with the boys at the back auditioning for Australia’s Got Talent! I don’t think the girls were that impressed though. It was a fantastic day and I appreciate the attitude and positive team work from the class.




Mr Walker

College Sport

Students of the Week

Year 7 Aida-Grace Moses 


Favourite Food: Sushi


Hobbies out of school: Sport – running and soccer


Which sports team do you follow: Collingwood (AFL) and Liverpool (soccer)


Favourite TV Show: Gossip Girl


Do you have any pets: A dog named Dozer and three chickens named Belle, Zinger, Chilli 


What do you enjoy most about being at Mornington Secondary College? All the opportunities to do different sports and subjects 


What career do you wish to follow when you finish school? Either a lawyer or a veterinarian



Year 7 Ed Tout 


Favourite Food: Pizza 


Hobbies out of school: Soccer & scouts


Which sports team do you follow: Manchester United


Favourite TV Show: Lost


Do you have any pets: A dog named Winston


What do you enjoy most about being at Mornington Secondary College? All the opportunities with clubs and extra-curricular activities


What career do you wish to follow when you finish school? Scientist maybe 



Year 8 Danielle Cimiratic 


Favourite Food: Mango


Hobbies out of school: Shopping


Favourite TV Show: Vampire Diaries


Do you have any pets: A fish called fishie


What do you enjoy most about being at Mornington Secondary College? Spending time with my friends


What career do you wish to follow when you finish school? Fashion designer, lawyer or real estate agent 



Year 9 Liam Matthews


Favourite Food: Grapes


Hobbies out of school: Catching up with mates and playing footy


Which sports team do you follow: Western Bulldogs


Favourite TV Show: Outer Banks


Do you have any pets: Yes, I have 1 dog, 2 cats and a bird


What do you enjoy most about being at Mornington Secondary College? Being able to see my mates


What career do you wish to follow when you finish school? I wish to do something in the trade industry 


Year 9 Jackson Ablett


Favourite Food: Watermelon


Hobbies out of school: Seeing my friends and playing sport


Which sports team do you follow: I support the Essendon Bombers in the AFL and the Milwaukee Bucks in the NBA


Favourite TV Show: Outer Banks


Do you have any pets: Yes, I have 1 dog


What do you enjoy most about being at Mornington Secondary College? I enjoy having classes with my friends


What career do you wish to follow when you finish school? I want to be an electrician and work with my older brother



Year 10 Regan Bolger 


School House: Tuerong


My favourite subject: Art


Hobbies out of school: Listening to music and being with friends 


What do you enjoy most about being at Mornington Secondary College? Seeing and working with friends to achieve our best


Dream job: Graphics designer - anything with art



Year 11 Liz Bailey 


School House: Coolart


My favourite subject: English


Hobbies out of school: Baking, astronomy, politics 


What do you enjoy most about being at Mornington Secondary College? the canteen, hanging out with friends and school trips


Dream job: a chef working in the best restaurant/cafe

Athletics Day: Tuesday 11th March

Next month Mornington Secondary College students will be travelling to Ballam Park for our Athletics Day.  Students will represent their Houses, and parents are welcome to attend as spectators and supporters.

Tabloid Sports with Local Primary Schools

Thank you to Mornington Park Primary School and Benton Junior College for joining us this week for a fun session of tabloid sports and a BBQ lunch.




Evangeline Romage

Year 7 Team Leader



Year 8 Camp - Phillip Island

Next week sees 76 Year 8's make the trip down to Phillip Island. Surfing, SUP, Snorkelling, Clip and Climb, Amazing Race and the Penguin Parade will fill the 3 days. The weather forecast looks great and the kids are very excited!




Adam Pirrie

Year 8 Team Leader


State Teams (Team Vic) Trial Registrations

Aspiring young student-athletes can now trial for Team Vic! 


Registrations are now open across numerous sports, with more to follow over the remainder of Term 1.  For more information, please select the specific sport on the Team Vic webpage.


A Koorie Youth Group started yesterday in Frankston.  Please see details in the below flyer.




Bronwen Hocking

Student Wellbeing and HOL Support

School Savings Bonus Information for Parents/Carers

Please refer to the below document for a guide on how to access and use the School Savings Bonus (SSB). 

Saver Plus

Please find attached information on the Saver Plus program.

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