Principal's Ponderings
From our Principal - Mr Chad Smit
Principal's Ponderings
From our Principal - Mr Chad Smit
Over the holidays, I had the incredible privilege of going on two overnight hikes, time spent away from the usual noise, deep in the beauty of God’s creation. Sitting in the stillness, in nature surrounded by His handiwork, I felt Him whisper, “sit with me longer”.
There is something sacred about being in creation, away from distractions. As I watched the sunrise, I saw how every shift in light revealed something new; golden rays dancing across the shore's rocks, a shimmer on the water’s surface, mist rolling through the valleys and the same was true at sunset as the sky turned into a masterpiece of pinks, purples, yellows and deep blues. And then, we got to witness the auroras. Hidden sometimes to our eyes, but when we take the other unnatural lights away, we get a glimpse of a breathtaking display of light, moving and shifting like the very breath of God. Every moment, every angle revealed something marvellous.
Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.” His creation testifies to His majesty. Yet, in our busy lives, how often do we rush past it? How often do we fail to pause, to breathe, to truly see?
C.S. Lewis wrote, “Nature never taught me that there exists a God of glory and infinite majesty. I had to learn that in other ways. But nature gave the word glory a meaning for me.” When we take time to be still in His creation, we see glimpses of His infinite nature. We are reminded that our Lord is limitless.
Jesus often withdrew to quiet places to pray (Luke 5:16). If He, the Son of God, needed time away to connect with the Father, how much more do we?
Throughout the Bible we read about people who took time out to spend with God. Moses encountered God on a mountain (Exodus 3:1-12). Elijah heard His voice in a whisper after the wind and fire had passed (1 Kings 19:11-12). The disciples saw Jesus’ glory revealed on a mountaintop (Matthew 17:1-5). Time in creation leads to revelation.
Isaiah 40:26 reminds us, “Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of His great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.”
God’s creation speaks, if only we take time to listen.
This year, I encourage you, let’s not wish the year to pass and rush past His invitations to “sit with me longer.” May we make space to marvel, to worship and to be reminded that our Lord is truly limitless.
How will you find time to model to our children, to sit with Him (Jesus) longer this week?
Chad Smit