Creative & Performing Arts 

Creative and Performing Arts

CAPA Update

Welcome to the Creative and Performing Arts Faculty for 2025.  I would like to introduce all of the members of the faculty from left to right; Mr John Mileto, Ms Rebecca Mangion, Ms Samantha Dennis - Head Teacher, Ms Alisha Grimston-Eason, Ms Criselle Gulley, Mr Rhyss Webb and Ms Carolyn Prigg (on leave.)  


Thank you to the parents who attended our CAPA Information Evening on Monday 17th February 2025 from 6.00 – 7.00 pm in the Library.  It was a great opportunity for parents and students to gain information about all of the CAPA Ensembles and events.   


Students interested in joining one or more of our CAPA Ensembles, including; the Event Management Team, Dance ensembles, Drama Ensemble, Visual Arts Club, Music Ensemble need to sign up by Thursday 20th February 2025 by using the link posted on their Year Group Google Classrooms.  After that date, parents of interested students will be emailed a permission note to complete and return.  All ensembles will commence the week beginning the 24th February. 


During 2025 the Music Ensemble - Vocal and Instrumental will meet on Thursday mornings from 8.15am - 8.45am in Music Room 2.  Classes will start on Thursday 27th February 2025. 


This year, students in Year 7 - 12 have the opportunity to participate in the Drama Ensemble.  This group will meet on Wednesday mornings from 8.00am to 8.45am in the Studio. Classes will start on Wednesday 26th February 2025. 



During 2025 students in Year 7 - 10 have the opportunity to participate in the Dance Ensemble.  This group will meet on Tuesday afternoons from 3.00pm to 4.15pm on the Stage.  Classes will start on Wednesday 26th February 2025.  Students in Year 7 - 12 also have the opportunity to participate in the Ballroom Dance Ensemble.  This group will meet on either Thursday or Friday mornings from 8.00am - 8.45am in the Studio.  The day of the week will be negotiated with the students who nominate to be part of this ensemble.  The Dance Transition Ensemble will return in 2025, with details to be released about this ensemble in coming weeks. 


This year, students in Year 7 - 12 have the opportunity to join the Visual Arts Club on Tuesday afternoons from 3.00pm – 4.15pm in Art Room 1. We will be experimenting with some fun art making skills and students will have more time to work on their artworks.  Classes will start on Tuesday 25th February 2025.  

Once again, Elderslie High School is offering the students in Year 7 – 12 the opportunity to become a member of the Event Management Team, as well as take on a student leadership role within the school community.  The operation of the Hall is now a very challenging task and the CAPA Faculty needs dedicated students to assist in running major events.  Their roles will include lighting set-up and operation, sound operation, front of house, stage-managing, prop and costume management and much more.  


Our CAPA Calendar for 2024 arrived at the end of last year.  The Calendar is $12.00 and on sale from the Student Office.  Students who participated in CAPA Ensembles and events are featured in the calendar, so it is a great memory of the year.  


The Year 10 and 11 Drama students viewed ONSTAGE, the best of the HSC Drama Performances and Projects from 2024.  The students gained a much clearer understanding of the expected level of performance required for the HSC Drama course.  The students had a great time at the event.  


All Drama and Dance students are offered the opportunity to audition for the State Dance and State Drama Companies and Ensembles and Schools Spectacular Featured Artists for 2025.  All interested students must see Ms Dennis or Ms Grimston-Eason to organise an application form and audition date.  Please visit The Arts Unit website for more information.      

Hey! Ready? Okay!  Elderslie High School is thrilled to announce that our 21st Musical will be....

Bring It On, The Musical.


Save the date - 22nd, 23rd & 24th May 2025 in our School Hall!

Get your pom poms ready!  We are all about "the spirit" in 2025!!


Follow our journey into the world of cheerleading in 2025.  


So during 2025, come along and enjoy the performances of our talented CAPA students.


Creative and Performing Arts Faculty