From the Dean of College
Mr Jon Cullerton
From the Dean of College
Mr Jon Cullerton
A warm welcome to the 2025 school year - a special year as we welcome over 500 students into our gates! A special welcome to our new students and families who have joined us this year. I hope this year will be happy and successful for all our students now across years 7, 8, 11 and 12.
Our College is a very busy school - to keep up to date, we have many methods of communication including but not limited to:
The St Aloysius College Newsletter is emailed to all families and students every three weeks across the school year. It contains communications from the College Leadership as well as key roles within the school including Leaders of Wellbeing and Co-curricula. This can also be found through Compass under the star tab.
St Aloysius Compass Page - this is the foundational platform for all Sydney Catholic schools and important location for the most recent updates and communications from the school. Absences can be communicated through Compass when your student is absent for 5 days or less. Absences of 5 days or more need to be approved by the College - this form can be found under the star tab.
St Aloysius College Website. The College website also has all our general College information. As we transition from De La Salle Catholic College some policies have been updated and will shortly be reflected on our webpage.
The College Facebook and College Instagram page also provide updates and photos from recent events. While local parent Facebook groups can be helpful please be aware that information that is shared is not always reliable or accurate so please rely on official channels.
General Contacts
Address - 2 Cross Road, Cronulla, NSW 2230 (please be aware the front office entrance is located on Gunnamatta Road)
(02) 8522 1500
Academic Issues - In the first instance the best staff member to speak to is your child’s teacher. All our staff are happy to speak to parents and may be contacted through email or the front office. Please be aware that schools are busy places and allow up to 48 hours for staff to return calls.
If the issue is more serious the KLA (Key Learning Area) Coordinator may be contacted.
If the matter is still unresolved or it involves a change of pattern of study (for seniors) Lynne Slater our Curriculum Coordinator may be contacted.
Following the correct pathway of correspondence ensures that issues and problems can be handled correctly, with the correct advice and staff being informed.
Wellbeing issues - In the first instance the best staff member to speak to is your child’s home/pastoral care teacher. These staff members see your child every morning and can act as a conduit between your family and the wider staff. Please be aware that schools are busy places and allow up to 48 hours for staff to return calls.
If the issue is more serious the Leader of Wellbeing for your child’s year group may be contacted. If the matter is still unresolved the Dean of School (Assistant Principal) may be contacted.
Following the correct pathway of correspondence ensures that issues and problems can be handled correctly, with the correct advice and staff being informed.
A reminder to all families that respectful communication is expected when speaking or writing to any member of the College staff. We understand that your children are the most important thing in your lives but this does not excuse rude or disrespectful communication to staff members. SCS is currently developing a revised Parent Charter which will be released to the community shortly.
Below are some key policies of the College for your reference.
(please note students cannot use their phones at the canteen - students are to use eftpos cards or cash)
(please note that currently all merits and concerns are sent via a sms message and can be viewed on your child’s compass chronicle.