
Reading   I   Writing   I   Speaking & Listening

A reading lesson in Year Two aligns with our whole-school instructional model TILER, which consists of:

  • A tune-in to introduce the lesson focus.
  • A launch phase to explicitly teach and model a variety of reading skills and strategies.
  • ‘Explore Phase 1’ which allows students to practise the modelled skills and strategies on a text while being guided by the teacher.
  • ‘Explore Phase 2’ where students independently practise the skills and strategies they have learnt through an activity.
  • A reflection phase where students discuss and share what they have learnt in alignment with the lesson focus.

Our Reading lessons integrate our Inquiry focus for the term, which is ‘Our place in the world’. This involves utilising a range of fiction and non-fiction texts as mentor texts for the whole class. This enables students to practise reading skills whilst also learning about different countries and cultures.


Students will engage in writing workshops to consolidate skills taught in Year One. They will revise the fundamental components in sentence level writing and later extend to looking at Informative Writing structures. As we unpack a deeper understanding of diverse cultures within Reading and Inquiry, students will apply what they have learnt into creating an Information Report on a country. Students will be guided and scaffolded appropriately to support their learning style by their classroom teacher.