Diary Dates

Term 1


Welcome to Term 1 of Grade 2. This year the team is made up of the following teachers: 

2A - Anita Sheppard

2B - Madeleine Paslis (M - Th) & Alison Powell (F)

2C - John Ensabella

2D - Mikayla Turner

2E - Laura Fraser (M - W) & Carolyn Platt (Th - F)


All classroom teachers have enjoyed meeting the students and learning about their interests and experiences over the holidays. We look forward to continuing to build these relationships over the course of the term. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher to seek more information.


Calendar dates:


  • 26th & 27th February - School Photos
  • 11th March - Public Holiday (no school)
  • Year Two Inquiry Exhibition date TBC
  • 28th March (Thursday) - Final day of Term 1
  • 15th April (Monday) - First day of Term 2